Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I told Q we were going to Nordstrom today and this is the face I got:

Once we got there and he saw all the lights, he was happy and a great sport... Especially when he heard we were meeting Brisbane and Morgan. Of course I documented his first Nordies trip:

That's 2 out of the 3 outfit changes while we were there. Needless to say, we spent a good amount of time in the Mother's Lounge :)

When we got home he was so tired from all the excitement that he passed out in his crib. I've heard that bedtime routines are key so I guess we'll be shopping a lot :)

Monday, July 29, 2013

No Mondays in Q's World

We made the most of our day today. We started with breakfast at La Costa then went to the pool with Ax, Brisbane and Dylan (true to Marshall form, Q slept through most of it)). Then we met Will, Kari and Little Miss Ellie for sushi and tummy time. Q hung out in Ellie's stroller for a bit with her, I think they both kinda liked it, don't you?

Ready for the pool!

Breakfast with Mommy

Sushi with Ellie

Tummy Time

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Cousins are the BEST!!

It's pretty obvious how important my cousins are to me... I don't know what I would do without each and every one of them. We are so blessed to live close to so much family...I am thrilled to know that Q will be growing up with so much love close by. Today we went over to cousin Jen's to see Sydney (aka Lady Gaga if you ask her) get ready for her dance recital. Here are some shots of Q with his beautiful cousins and Grandma. Love them so much!!

Party of 3.5

One of our favorite things about living in Cardiff is Saturday mornings. It's been a tradition to pile all the Marshall's into the Jeepster and head down to Seadside Market to check out all the happenings and have some breakfast. Lately one of us has been running down to grab the goods to enjoy at home. Today we introduced Q to this wonderful part of life as a Marshall (sans the Jeepster of course). I don't think he fully appreciated the adventure but I'm sure once he has his first donut from V.G.'s he will share our enthusiasm!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Random Comings and Goings

More swaddle break-outs, a misplaced pee pee teepee (courtesy of PK3) a little smile and practicing hands...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Swaddle Me This

There are many things my wonderful husband is good at... Beer Pong, Ping Pong, Darts, Corn-hole, dropping a wine cork and getting it to stand up... You get the point. Thankfully (and somewhat not surprisingly) he is also great at swaddling babies. Check out some of his handiwork 

Thank God PK3 was able to add this skill to his list of expertise because Q absolutely loves (scratch that) LOVED. Being swaddled. A good swaddle could calm him down and put him to sleep instantly. Now it seems it's become a game for him to "break out" of his swaddle and then get mad about it :) Here's Q's handiwork 

Guess it's time to find something else to soothe Q :)

Monday, July 22, 2013


I took Q for a walk on the 101 while PK3 did Crossfit this evening. When we met up with Daddy after, his xFit friends couldn't wait to get their hands on their future xFit-er. Q even wore his only workout attire for the event!

And just for fun

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Caspersen Cook-Out

Took Q to the Caspersen's twice today.. What a lucky dude! Here he is enjoying dinner with his pal Crosby. Can't wait to see these two wreck havoc together!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

What?? He still doesn't know how to throw?

As soon as I put Q down for tummy time Cordy very gently placed his favorite, humongous toy right on top of him. I would love to know what he was thinking! Q didn't seem to mind.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Q loves Bubba

Q hung out with Bubba all day. He loved listening to the ABC's with him and especially liked Bubba's bottle style. He sure is going to miss him, and Mimi and her hats. We all are!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Q's First Bottle

He took it like a Champ and Daddy did great... Mommy was a little sad, growing up too fast!!

A burping picture just for fun!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Waking up is Hard to do

I'm a little worried that Q isn't going to be a morning person like the rest of the Marshall family.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Tummy Time Class

Yup! You heard that right, there's actually a class where they teach you how to put your baby on their tummy... And of course, we went :)! We met Little Miss Ellie and were too busy at class to take any pics but here's one of them passed out ready to go home after their little workout. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Mimi & Bubba

PK2 and MC finally got to meet Baby Q! We are so excited to have a whole week to spend with them. 

Q is already becoming quite popular at La Costa. Here he is enjoying lunch at the Member's Club! 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Shout From the Rooftops!!

Q gained 36 ounces in 21 days! We went to the Dr. today and heard the amazing news that Q is 8 pounds, 10 ounces and 20.75 inches long! Anyone who has talked to me in the past 4 weeks knows that we had some issues with feeding cuz our little Q was tongue tied. Well, we apparently took care of that and all is good in Q's world now!! Perfect timing for great news... Now we can spend all week with Mimi and Bubba and not worry about a thing! Here he is on the scale, he clearly doesn't share our enthusiasm at this exact moment. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Goodnight Q

Q took his first nap in his crib yesterday. It took over an hour for him to fall asleep, he loved just looking around and wiggling. I couldn't leave the room the whole time he was in there. Working on round two with PK3 as back-up today. This time we're also using the monitor which PK had to wrestle away from me because I wouldn't take my eyes off of it.

Look under the crib in the second picture for another set of worried/helping paws :) Corduroy is such a great Big Brother!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Trading Size

Big day out today! Got Q all dressed up and Took him to visit Daddy at work... He fit right in and loved seeing his Daddy in the middle of the day.

Monday, July 8, 2013

1 Month Party of 1

Today is Q's one month birthday!! He was so excited he stayed up all night and partied which translates to cooing, whining and playing in infant terms. He finally passed out in his black-market Nap  Nanny... Poor little guy is so pooped he seems to have forgotten that he doesn't really like this thing... I'll take it!