Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Big Boy

I swear his spoon skills increased ten fold as soon as we let him sit at a little table instead of the high chair. He loves it! Now we have to work on getting him to stay put!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

B and Q

Trouble is a brewin'


Bigger Cousins

Isabella was all over getting Q to sit still for a pic

How it all started...

Then she took control

Notice how she has complete control over the baby and bottle the whole time. And don't worry, Q is totally fine!

Snow Days

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Uncle Poo and 'boons!!!!

'Twas the night before

Snuggles with Pants

First Pet

It's a fish from Grandma but Q is way more into the rocks at the bottom of the tank. We're still working on a name... We'll keep you posted.

Mistletoe Attacks

Q knows all about mistletoe now. When he walks under it he charges for me. I have to drop down and grab him before he bounces off me. The only catch... He doesn't give the kisses, he expects about 20 kisses from you!

I see it... Get ready, I'm coming for you!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Nakey Boy

Q was extremely unhappy about having to water clothes today

I'm the Baby

Q asked what the Moses basket was this morning. When I told him it was for the baby he screamed, said no, climbed in and went "nigh nigh."

My thought: Uh Oh!!

Mimi, notice his PJ's... These are his favorite right now. He freaks out even when we unzip them to change his diaper. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


To the day little man entered the world.
Such a sweet little face and who knew that hair would turn out to be so crazy!

This makes me beyond excited to hold our baby girl.

Love you little Q

Surfer dude hair or rat tail?

You be the judge

Thursday, December 4, 2014

First Christmas Cookie

Every year I go to a Christmas party that requires me to make about 80 cookies. The best part about it is that I get 80 cookies in return. The hardest part... Making 80 cookies during a very hectic time of the year. So naturally, PK takes over the hard part and makes 80 cookies... They are always amazing! They were so good this year that I couldn't resist giving Q one of us own. He couldn't believe it!! Thanks Daddy!!

What a difference a year makes