Friday, January 31, 2014

Thanks Daddy

PK3 is gone for a few nights... But he left a little surprise for Q. He loves it!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Can't Wait to Walk in Daddy's Shoes

Good morning to ME! I turned around for a quick second this morning and Q had scampered to the mirror to check himself out. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

I Own You Puffs!!

We recently introduced Q to the wonderful world of puffs. After breaking each piece into 4 small pieces we pile them on to his tray and let him go to town. He gets quite intense trying to get the little buggers into his mouth. He's getting rather good at actually getting some in.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hats Hats Hats

Q loves his hats... Ok ok, maybe it's just that he hasn't realized he can pull them off yet 😉

Oh and he's not afraid of the big boy bath any more, in fact he owns it now! Here he is trying to climb out of his tub to explore the drainage system.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Morning with Pants

He can't believe I'm letting him play with the candy.... He is perplexed by Starburst. He also doesn't dare get them close to his mouth.

No, I love you more!!

Spinach, peas and pears? Really? What happened to the Starburst? 

The Juice is Loose

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

7 Months

6 months went by so fast!!! Here's what Q's up to at 7 months!

He's learned how to blow and will blow over and over just about any time I want him to do anything else like eat or sleep. It's pretty cute though so I watch a lot of blowing :)

He still loves his dog and cracks up when Cordy plays fetch. He also thinks it's hilarious when I squeak a toy and Cordy pops his head up to look at it, I also spend a lot of time doing this.

He can officially crawl... well, army crawl, it's messy and complicated but he gets where he wants to go.

He loves to stand.

He's super ticklish on his chest (kinda weird right?) and thighs.

Weighs 15.7 pounds, still wears some 3 month clothes. Wears size 3 diapers and the same 2 pairs of shoes he's been wearing since we started putting shoes on him. 

Loves to snuggle and be held and will take being in his sling over the stroller any day... Though his trike is quickly becoming a favorite too.

Eats a lot of solids... Squash, sweet potatoes and carrots are some of his faves. He hates his oatmeal so I have to sneak it in.

Doesn't have any teeth yet but is constantly gnawing on something.

Does a lot of ab work as he tries to go from laying down to sitting up on his own but hasn't quite figured it out yet.

Loves knocking things that we've built down... Blocks and such, not houses :)

Sleeps through my definition of the night!

Takes baths in a little blow up tub in the big bath tub and hates it. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Thanks for this really big teething toy that I get to lay on guys.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Go Pats!

We're 8 minutes in and the Pats already have 2 TD's... I'm thinking Q just may be their lucky charm!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Years in Cabo

This guy loves Cabo

Pre sunset cocktails and munchies on the beach followed by dinner, a bonfire, paper lanterns and tons of fireworks. Q only made it to the cocktails ;)

Dad takin charge in first

That's a lot of car seats 

No Shirt, plenty of service at good ol' Buzzards.

Getting some tips from a pro

The Wetzel's know how to do New Years!!

And the Marshalls too of course!

Even Sophie made it there and back!

To Market To Market

I suggested to Q that we grill up Sophie for dinner tonight and this is the look I got

So we went to the market :)