Friday, February 28, 2014

Corduroy's on Duty

Why Yes, I would Love Some Water

PK3 left his Camel Back (a backpack that carries water and has a straw attached) on the floor. As soon as Q saw it he wasted no time getting to it. He located the straw right away and knew exactly what to do!

Happy Birthday Auntie Kim!

We went over to Steph and Oscar's to celebrate Auntie Kim's birthday. Steph runs a daycare out of her house so she has more toys than anyone I know! Q had a blast exploring all the new things to play with. Isabella was so sweet to Q. She's only a year older than Q but she knew just how gentle she had to be. She kept rubbing his back to make sure he was ok and had him sit right next to her so she could show him all her toys. 

Here she is making sure he's not scared in her car.

Q also got to meet Uncle Steve for the first time. It was love at first sight :)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Q Today

A Big Week

Of learning new things that is... 

Every now and then when we get Q to slow down long enough to ask him for a kiss he'll open his big slobbery mouth and headbut you. Sometimes it hurts but it's always cute.

He also waves bye to me as I drive away in my car. I usually get out of the car to give him a congratulatory squeeze so I'm pretty sure he's going to think that waving means "come and love me," not goodbye.
And finally, Q sat up on his own! He was taking a nap and managed to prop himself up in his crib. He seemed scared once he realized what he did and quickly laid back down.

Now that he can pull himself up to stand and sit up on his own, I guess we better lower the crib before he learns to put all these tricks together!! 


So it turns out our sweet little boy has a bit of a mean streak. Luz told us that when his friend Nola tried to play with Q's red car he grabbed it from her and started screaming. The next day he did the same thing when she tried to play with his purple phone. I knew this would happen but ALREADY?!?

....and if that's not enough, apparently every time Nola tries to talk, Q clenches his fist turns bright red and starts to growl. 

Maybe this is his first crush??

Here's a pic of Q and Nola at the park on the day we learned how important his little red car is to him. Note that Nola is more than a month younger than Q. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Q's Busy Weekend

This weekend was PK3's birthday celebration... Q helped him celebrate all weekend long!

Q watched early morning hockey with PK3 from the penalty box

Tried out the boogie board

Went to la Jolla and watched all the cars and people go by. 

Gave Mama lots of love and cuddles

Got his arm stuck in his play mat... He didn't like that at all!

Made more friends at the winery 

And was the happiest, sweetest, snuggliest baby in the world!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Practicing Standing

In a box... Of course

Corduroy wants to join the fun. Look how tightly Q is holding on.

And another selfie

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Monday, February 10, 2014

Golden Month Day

Q turned 8 months on the 8th this month. 

Here's what he's been up to:

Says "hiiiiiiii" all day long. Sometimes he says it coincidently at the appropriate time and it is hilarious!

He's sleeping 11.5 hours a night, doesn't love to nap though.

Makes a ton of silly faces but is pretty game for most of the food we give him.

Is still very pensive and loves quiet moments to cuddle.

Is starting to stand on his own while holding onto things.

Loves the bath, loses his marbles when it's time to get out of the bath.

Goes to puppet shows and story time at the libraries and lots of play dates at the parks with Luz.

Army crawls everywhere very quickly and usually laughs the whole length of his journey.

Loves watching other kids and will still let anyone hold him... At least for a few minutes.

Carries this blue cup around like most babies carry blankies, binkies or loveys. 

Doesn't have any of the above mentioned items but still sucks his two fingers, grabs his ears (sometimes both at the same time) and kicks his left leg to soothe himself.

Is like a celebrity at Sandy Point (our community). We can't make it around the block in less than 30 minutes cuz everyone wants to stop and talk to him.

Is slowly becoming his own little man and making his place in the Marshall family.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

And he Stands!

With a little help

Checkin' out the top side of his toy.

Saturday Morning FaceTime Sesh

Q had breakfast with Mimi and Bubba this morning. They chatted and sang songs while Q ate away. He was very curious about the little box that they were in.

Mimi and Bubba's view. Look at the face!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Q's First Super Bowl

He was way more interested in crawling around on the floor and trying to eat cords.

Sunday, February 2, 2014