Sunday, June 22, 2014

Puff Monster

Someone fell asleep in the middle of a puff fight. Who do you think won?

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Lazy Bones Jones

Someone was feeling a little sluggish on his walk last weekend. Q was nice enough to let him hitch a ride. Unfortunately Q quickly learned he could kick his "geeeee" in this arrangement and proceeded to kick poor Corduroy over and over until he got down. Poor Munch.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Monday, June 9, 2014

My Little Book Worm

Q has loved reading ever since he was about 8 weeks old but this interest has really taken off in the last couple of weeks. He wants to sit down multiple times a day to knock out a stack of 10 or so books. 

He also knows how to point to his hair, teeth, ears, nose, toes and eyes when asked in both Spanish and English. 

Mimi and Bubba brought him a book called "Who has Teeth?" when they came to visit. The whole time I read it to him the first time, Q kept pointing to his three little teeth and screaming. Apparently he wanted to make sure we were aware that he indeed had teeth like everyone in the book. 

He is also obsessed with finding doggies in all his books and usually stops to give them kisses when he spots them.

Here we are in the middle of an impromptu reading sesh.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Eatin' like a King

Q is 1

I outsourced my monthly update after I totally failed for month 11. Here's what's going on in Q's world at 1!!!

More birthday news to come!!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Long Voyage

Sorry for the severe lack of updates. I've spent the last three weeks traveling all over for work and what will go down as one of the best weddings ever! 

Of course I missed my little more than I could have ever imagined. 

Here is a pic of him in his 1st birthday present from the Wetzels. One of the pics that kept me going while I was away. 

So happy to be back home with you Q!