Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Hangin with Dad

While mama does yoga

Breathe Deeply

Q woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. He was rather cranky all morning so Luz took him to the medication gardens at Swami's Beach. Seems to have done the trick!


Q is at that amazing age where he wants to help do everything... Including cleaning up around the house. He even has his own "baby broom" as he calls it. His favorites are putting dirty clothes (and anything else lying on the floor) in the hamper and feeding Corduroy. Here he is earning his keep this morning.

Action shots

Admiring his work

Monday, October 27, 2014

Fun at La Costa

We are so excited Auntie Kim and Uncle Steve joined La Costa!!! We all got together late on Saturday for some sand, swimming and music. Here Q is putting on a show for all his Aunties. He wanted to throw trash away so everyone had to hurry up and finish their drinks so he could play garbage man. I don't know about you but I think this makes for a great drinking game... We can call it "keeping the toddler busy!"

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Little Love

Catch with Grandpa

We caught the first half of PK3's softball game today. Q had a blast throwing balls all over the place. He also got in a round of catch with Grandpa. I have to say, he's got quite the arm for such a little guy!

Q to the Rescue

Driving Nola to safety in the ambulance at Lego Land.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pumpkin Station with the Crew

Many failed attempts at a group pic

On the train with Gray, Ax and BB

BB had crackers. I'm pretty sure Q was more excited about that than the train.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Summa Time

It still feels very much like summer time at La Costa. It is quickly becoming one of Q's favorite places.