Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Kolbeck Family Christmas Party

Uncle Todd was Santa this year!!

Q was so proud of himself for not crying. The whole way home he kept saying "I didn't cry when I saw Santa!" "He is nice."

He wouldn't let his new tractor go

Isla was so done with being held by the time it was her turn to sit on Santa's lap. She wasn't scared but she was not having it!

Somehow we managed to get a pic of all 11 great grandkids in their Jammies!

And Great Grandma got to hold all 11 at once! Love this so much.

New Table

Monday, December 21, 2015

Morning Competition

Every morning Q and Isla crawl into bed with me. We turn the fire on and call Daddy to order Cheerios, milk and hot coffee for Mama. This morning Isla showed us what she is made of. She knows that Cheerios are good now and will stop at nothing tonge her little paws in the bowl. This morning she managed to spill them all over the bed 7 times! Thank God the house is getting cleaned today!

Funny Faces

Saturday, December 19, 2015


We met The Krupps at La Costa for dinner last night. The kids had a great time. Leo referred to Isla as "Penny 2" and Q referred to Penny as "Leo's baby." I absolutely love watching their little minds figure things out.

Friday, December 18, 2015


Rockin big bros old threads

Gingerbread cookies with the best of 'em

Grandma keeps finding new Christmas activities for Q and he is eating it up... literall (most of them involve food of the sweet nature)! Here they are making Gungerbread Man cookies. Grandma let him totally own the flouring, rolling and cookie cutting. I was so impressed at how well he did! I have tons of videos if you want to see!

happy birthday cake pops

Somebody liked my birthday treat choice 

Straight thuggin'

Don't mess with little miss in the morning