Friday, January 30, 2015

Where's Q?


Q loves babies. Here he is is giving baby Cruz loves... completely unprompted. Let's hope this carries over to baby sister!

Working on sentences and such

I think Q is really trying to talk in sentences. He got an owie on his cheek this week... We're not sure where it's from but Q thinks he knows. At least 30 times a day he tells us the story.

It goes like this:

"Bee bee bee. Owie owie. Bye-bye. AGUA"

I say "did the bee give you an owie and then go back to the water."

And he says "yeah"

Then it starts all over again.

He also knows some, green, blue, pink, yellow and what hearts, stars and ovals are. Sorta random first shapes to learn but it's super cute!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Middle of the week with Mama

Scoping out the best place to find rocks and shells

Finding his pirate treasures

This way!

Distracted by the surf

Back to the loot... Look what he found!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Popcorn with Grandpa

Popcorn is a huuuge part of the Kolbeck family. We already knew Q liked popcorn which made it even more fun to bring this tradition to Marshall Manor. 

Here's the first of many popcorn nights to come!

Oldie but Goodie

Made even better with bubbles!!
