Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentine's Day

We had so much fun celebrating Valentine's Day with auntie Kim and her family. Q and Idabella ran around chasing each other for hours!! Then Auntie Kim showed Q how to make Lucy talk... He thought she was hilarious and still talks about it. We even danced and played the piano and of course gave lots of love!!

Here he is trying to get Lucy to talk to him... She obliged :)

And lots and lots of love!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Representing their herritage

Classic Caspersen: cutting a rug

Classic Marshall: sleepin' on the job

What you can't tell from this picture is how hard they are both laughing... Best sound EVER!!!

Stunna Shades

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Caffeinated Thief

Apparently Q stole his friend Nola's shoes... And someone's Coke today!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

We are blessed

Not only do we have a happy, healthy, adorable boy, we have a boy who likes to go to bed (this only applies to nighttime, not naps btw). Well, most nights anyway. This was not one of those nights. After dinner Q told us he wanted to go "nigh nigh." I took him upstairs brushed his teeth, read him his usual 15 or so books and put him down. 2 hours later he was actually asleep. That's what I call a bait and switch. Let's just hope this isn't the start of a trend.

Here he is finally passed out. Keep in mind, Q is a stomach sleeper....

Monday, February 9, 2015

Gold Doubloons

Every day the Pirates leave Gold Doubloons for Q. He gets to count them and then put his treasures in his Choo Choo piggy bank. He gets so excited that he always starts laughing when we ask him if he wants to see if the Pirates left him anything.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Risky Business

Most people would probably advise against taking a pic of a sleeping baby with a flash but I just couldn't help myself.

Don't worry, he slept peacefully through the disruption.

Ponto with Caroline

Baby Planking

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Caught Red Handed

Q knows he's not supposed to put Corduroy's ball in his water bowl. I have not doubt, at all, that he knows this. We've really been trying to get him to stop doing this (it's mean!). One especially trying morning he did this a couple of times before 8:00 am. After many "no no no's" he went to do it again... and suceeded. PK thought he'd try a quick time out to see if that could curb the behavior. He picked Q up and sat him down in a chair to explain to him why we don't put the ball in the water and explained that he would have to sit if he did it again. 

Not 20 minutes later, Q found another one of Corduroy's balls and dropped it in his water ball. The second it splashed down he started screaming "sit sit sit," and went to sit in his chair with the biggest smile on his face.

Well played Q. Well played.

Here's a pic of him deeply thinking about whether to toss it in or not....

Sunsets where the sun sets

Whenever we ask Q about the beach he says "cold!" Imagine how surprised he'll be when he gets to go this summer!!

Starting the day off right

   He loves my green smoothies... Crazy, I know!

Go Pats!!!!!