Friday, February 26, 2016

Showing her how The Marshall's Roll

So far Boosch is fitting nicely into the life of a Marshall. Even her sand intake is on par... Apparently PK3 used to dip his French fries in the sand at he beach when he was little. Well, based on the amount of sand Isla purposely gets into her mouth, I think it's safe to say that we have another sand-lover on our hands.

Q never did that!!! 

Ready for School

I don't know why but this pic makes me think of Q going to school. Which is happening!!! Granted it's only a trial day and not until Tuesday but I am a mess already. How did this happen?!?

And just two short years ago...

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Quote of the Q

While laying in Q's bed with him, talking about his day...

Q: "I didn't want to share my shovel with Dylan today. Sometimes that's just how it goes."

Having it all sucks sometimes

I had a call at 6 am and another at 7am and last Friday on my day off I took 5 calls while hanging at the pool with Pk3 for his birthday. Here were my distraction techniques this morning... Medicine for Isla and weird YouTube videos in bed for Q. I'd give them both a solid B but will have to come up with something next time as nothing ever works twice.

I sure do hope this is all worth it...

Isla: "she gave me medicine bottles to play with. What you got?"

Monday, February 22, 2016

Uncle Poo

Uncle Poo has been able to spend so much time with us since Isla's been born. You can really see how much the kids love him!!! I look forward to seeing all the cool things he's gunna teach them over the years! Love you Uncle!!

Q practically sits on him as he reads to him...he can't get close enough. 💙💙


I see old pictures of Q when he was around Isla's age and I totally see a resemblance. What do you think?

It Takes Three

In case you were wondering... 3. 3 is the ideal number of people involved in changing Isla these days. One to distract her, one to hold her down and one to change her. Every single time. Q went through this stage too burnt only lasted about a week and I swear to God, Isla has the strength of a 5 year old. Let's just hope it's only a phase and she tired of this game soon.

Here are Grandma and Grandpa holding her down to try and get her Jammies on.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Mexican Food


She was terrified but oh so cute

Q gave her some encouragement 

And for all of you who don't believe that Boosh has a big boogie, check it out in skinny jeans and all its glory!

Showin her the ropes

It was so great being able to get back in the sun and sand! These hot days in the middle of winter are the best because there's  no tourists!

And first pool day of 2016

Check out my new teeth!

Post pool

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Don't Mess with Texas

Dada brought this really cool, really big shirt home from San Antonio for Q. He loves it so much that he wears it all day... Even over his pjs! He also keeps going up to Isla and saying "look at my new shirt baby!"

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Missing Dada

Pictures and video messages for Dada while he's away for work.