Thursday, March 31, 2016

No Fun at the Park

The little park by our house has wood chips all around the play structure. This is great for kids as they run around... Not so good for Momma's of little babes who want to explore their world by putting EVERYTHING in their mouths. I think we'll be walking right past this park for awhile.

Strawberry Picking

Monday, March 28, 2016

Wolf Pack

Had a great time in Big Bear with the Gates... Our hike was particularly fun with walking sticks, bear hunts and little loves and big trees!!

First Easter

Well for one of the little Marshall's at least... The other is a pro and you could tell by the way he crushed all 7 egg hunts he participated in... 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

So Happy

Pretty much everything in Isla's life is THIS exciting! She has the best expressions... Love her so

Monday, March 14, 2016

I'm Decorating My Baby

You should have heard the song Q made up today. It went something like this..

I'm decorating my baby
I'm decorating my baby
I'm decorating my baby
And happy to you

I think he was working off of "happy birthday to you."

And what was he doing while he sang?
You guessed it... Decorating his baby (his real, live baby)....with letters.... in the bath.

For the most part she cooperated but don't be fooled, she is learning how to tell Q NO!!!!!!! And it is hilarious!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

3rd Ever Haircut

Trip Crasher

I crashed the fam's Saturday morning trip for coffee and donuts and it was everything I expected and more!!! I lived watching Q at VG's.... You could tell he was a regular!

Saturday, March 12, 2016


Some kids have a lot of books... Our kid has a lot of bookshelves. 3 and counting!!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bath Time

The Babes LOVE bath time! It's so fun to watch them play. Here Q is saying "you are so dirty baby" as he helps to scrub her. She didn't like this very much as you can see, she just wants to get away.

On the move

Isla is all over the place these days. The best part is all the faces and noises she makes while she's truckin' along.

Q is just as proud of her

Practicing for the big day

Another day of trying to keep Isla occupied while i get ready for work...

Isla found the Easter baskets we bought in our closet so I loaded one up with some goodies from my vanity. I got a good 10 minutes out of this... If only she didn't have to put everything in her mouth...

Monday, March 7, 2016


Q came to work with me on Sunday morning. We were distributing cards to every office and cube. Q was quite the hit and I'm pretty sure he thinks I have the coolest job ever.

He kept saying, "this is where you come every day?" I would say yes and he would say "you are kidding me!"

Sunday, March 6, 2016


We made a spontaneous trip up to OC to have dinner at Auntie Sandy's house to celebrate Auntie Kim's birthday. We stayed at our favorite place -Monarch Bay. We took advantage of the Beach Club and had a blast! Can't wait to go back!!

Isla waited all weekend to get hands on The bucket that Q got from the front desk. Success!!

Beach Chair naps are the best naps

Sand straight to the face

Kiddo watch and white wine... And the green bucket that no one wanted to play with

Sand play with Dadda
