Thursday, April 28, 2016

If Your Last Name is Marshall

Ever since Q was little we've sung this as we head upstairs to get ready for bed. He has always loved it and now so does Isla. As soon as I start singing it, she heads for the stairs. And now she crawls up them all the way, all by herself.

If your last name is Marshall, march  upstairs
If your last name is Marshall, march upstairs
If your last name is Marshall and you love it and you're proud of it march upstairs!!

Doin' what she does best

Big Boy Boxers

Monday, April 25, 2016

There's something about Sunday's

Even though my Dad always works Sundays now, he still manages to make it over to see the kids for a bit before they go to bed. It's very hard to get a pic of even one of them looking at the camera when grandpa is over but you get the idea

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Not OK

For the most part, Q is a good kid however he is 2 so naturally he gets into trouble sometimes. Today he was on timeout not once but twice! In case you're wondering, he hit Corduroy and knocked Isla over. Totally deserved right?

I'm not convinced...but it felt like the right thing to do at the time. That being said, Isla did not agree. While Q cried and protested Isla looked absolutely distraught and keep trying to put her fingers under Q's door to rescue him.

Queen of the Castle

Monday, April 18, 2016

When you don't have a back yard

You have a front yard pool party

Big Girl

Is it me or does she look like a three year old here?

She loves shopping at J Crew with me. She's my "little shopping partner" as my Dad calls her.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Still no backyard

And this is what happens... We got permits though so the end is in sight!!

Marshmallow Cereal

Q caught me in a moment of weakness and talked me into buying him "marshmallow cereal." To say he's obsessed with it is an understatement. Here he is taking it straight to the face

Monday, April 11, 2016

Channeling her inner Mimi


We had a surprise visit from one of my favorite people today. First, Q "hid" from her. Then he made her read him all the books with words that Mommy doesn't know how to pronounce. Thanks for coming by Lizard, now move back already.

The Boys in the Hood

Being goofy and terrorizing neighbors one at a time. Hana Court is in for a long 18+ years with this crew.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Uncle Pete

The whole Marshall crew had such a great time with Uncle Pete. They took to him (and vice versa) immediately!! We sure are going to miss him!!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Quote of the Q

The scene: with some friends, at a little park by our house, a couple of blocks away from the train tracks, we hear a train go by.


Quote of the Q

The scene: Q and PK3 sitting in the living room... nothing is going on- especially nothing scary. Literally, nothing happened.

PK: "Hey Q."

Q: "Jesus Christ, you scared me!"

Sunday, April 3, 2016

One day he'll make someone very happy

Quote of the Q

"I don't need my big boy bed or my room  anymore."

Enough Momomomomom

That's what she calls me these days

Bye bye

American Pie

Making bed time their own... Every night, PK lays in bed with Q and plays music for him. Laytely they've been listening to American Pie. It's pretty cute to listen to Q sing it and ask for songs like "Cat in the Craddle." 

Love them so

Biggest Decision

I love Sunday's. The biggest decision I made all day was who to take with me to run errands. And the winner is...