Sunday, July 31, 2016

One of these things is not like the others

The one second pre-freak

There's no denying it, Isla is in full "I want Mommy and only Mommy mode" and so she lives on my hip (and usually eats). I am not complaining one bit, I only wish that I was there always with my arms free for her. Love you Sweet Girl.

Here Comes the Sun

Up before 5 to catch the early boat. These two love love love the early morning... We all do!

Sick Flow

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Out and Proud

Isla is all about her button these days

Quote of the Q

After a very looooong day

PK3: anybody need anything?

Me: how about some wine for this Mama?

Q: how about some wine for this little guy??

Monday, July 25, 2016

Suns Out Guns Out

Two babies sleeping

Took the little blond ones on a late morning walk and they both fell asleep. The breeze was so nice outside so I let them finish their nap at the front door.

Corduroy was not so sure about them being outside solo so he kept a close watch

At The Market

It's kinda weird but I've really come to enjoy taking Q and Isla to the market. There's always great conversations with Q - this week we talked A LOT about all the different words you can use for the market... Grocery store, supermarket etc. it's also so fun to watch Isla wave and dance and talk to EVERYONE! Here she is putting on a show for the checkers.

Tied down!

Can't wait until our next trip!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

3rd trip to the Dentist

The last two times we've gone to visit the dentist, Q did great. This time... Not so much. He was terrified! We got through it but it was a rough morning.

Thank God he got a sticky hand at the end. Unfortunately he pulled the hand too hard and broke it, bringing in the 3rd melt down of the day... And it wasn't even 8am. Oy Vay!!

Emma's Birthday Party

The nannies had a birthday party for Emma and Isla got to hit her first piñata!!

Ice Cream

My friend Kristy turned 30 on Saturday. She had a party at her in-laws gorgeous house. AND they had the coolest ice cream truck stop by! The kids LOVED it after all the swimming!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Silly Girl

Having her foot on her tray isn't even the weirdest part. She's putting food in her toes and then putting it in her mouth. And guess what... That's not even the weirdest part. Q used to do the same thing with his popcorn. If I didn't see it for myself, I wouldn't believe it.

Summa Time

And construction... Sigh


Took 9 tries to get them both looking at the camera at the same time. At least Isla gives up the toothbrush now... It used to be an all out war to get it back from her and she is STRONG!

Wear all the babies

Friday, July 8, 2016

Hong Kong

Q was so excited to get another post card is the mail from Uncle Poo. This one had a picture of a street on Hong Kong in it.

Happy 4th

Hidden Treasure

Someone found some left over Pirate's Booty in her room and couldn't be happier about it

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Q and I went to Mia and Uncle Steve's house in Montana (aka Beetana) for Stacey's wedding. It was a super hard decision to leave Isla behind but it was so nice being able to dedicate so much attention to Q and truly watch him experience so many new things. 

Q kept saying "you are my best friend, are you?" to Isabella.

He also made up for missing Isla by smothering, and tackling Sophia

Here's Q feeding the horses. Sadly, this was right before Q was shocked by the electric fence (he was totally fine). He also fell off the bed and got two black eyes from wrestling matches.

The window where we watched horses and Deer come and go

Running in random sprinklers