Monday, August 29, 2016


They sat together for 30 minutes this morning! I think they needed some mellow cuddle time after a busy weekend!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Secret Loves

Every night when I put Isla down, we go through a silly little routine where I grab one of the stuffed animals that lives at the end of her bed and place it beside her for "loves." She quickly picks it up, shakes her head no and points to the back of the crib where the animal presumably belongs. We do this for about 4 or 5 different animals a night. I guess last night she changed her mind as she sought out her kitty and held it right. 

'Nack 'Nack Chairs

Sunday, August 14, 2016

It's Time

We have officially enetered the need "two of everything phase" according to Luc. Add another chair to the list...

Baby Glo

The Graves came over for an early morning swim sesh. Q could not get enough of Baby Glo (neither could I ☺️). He wanted to hold her constantly. It was super cute!

Q: "I think that Baby wants me to hold her again."

Q: "look at that baby's face mom! Look at that baby's face now mom. That baby's face is so cute mom. Look at the baby mom!!!"

La Costa

You can't tell by the outcome but they actually tried really hard to take a cute picture at La Costa aka "ata costa" aka Q's favorite place.

Wedding Dress shopping

Isla and I joined a bunch of aunts and cousins to help Jocelyn pick out a wedding dress. While I don't think I help with the dress choosing (she looked amazing in EVERYTHING) Isla did entertain everyone during dress changes.


Friday, August 12, 2016

Popcorn Movie Night with Boosch

Look who got to join in on her first popcorn movie night

Avo Face

This one just may turn into a "cado"

A Solid C

Q and I spent a couple of hours together in his new classroom earlier this week. As you know, he likes to talk so I thought it would be good for us to get some insight into what it will be like for him so we can discuss over the next few weeks and hopefully get him fired up about this new adventure.

Not so sure it worked. Here is a summary of our time at Class "Sei" (that's Italian for Six)

We got there right as everyone was going out to play. The yard is awesome -and huge. Q spent most of the time asking why he couldn't go down the slide (which was in another part of the yard) and then rebutting every point I brought up.

Q finally decided to play with the kids and the one block that another kid was playing with. When said kid did not hand over the block when Q tried to take it from him, Q proceeded to (very gently) tap/hit the kid.

When Q wasn't asking why he couldn't go down the slide, he was spent his time trying to convince me to break him into the really cool art room. Once he realized this wasn't going to happen, he had to go to the bathroom. So I took him back to his classroom. At least the mini toilets made him happy. When he was done, he convinced one of his teachers to let him paint alone in the classroom -so he got to do art after all -while all the other kids played in the yard -but not the slide.

After that everyone got very excited because a police man was going to be stopping by with his police car to talk about how to be a hero!!!!!!! Well, almost everyone was stoked... Q had no interest and refused to even look in the general direction of the policeman.

We then went back into the classroom. Everyone sat down to read and sing songs and discuss germs. Q told everyone he "wasn't ready" and helped himself to the light up blocks.

The teachers finally got Q's attention when they told the classroom that Ms. Melody had found some caterpillars in the fairy garden and they were going to take turns learning about them and drawing them. Q was so excited but of course it was time to go. They rushed him to the front to let him check out the creepy little guys on our way out.

My take away: school is going to be very good for Q. I think he will love it once I get out of his hair and he figures out how this whole thing works. I am so excited about the school and the teachers and can't wait to watch him learn and grow.

Overall I give the experience a solid C but I have no doubt he will be an A+ before we know.

Go Little Dude Go!!!

Look how cool this classroom is!

Reading (and talking) with Mia

Friday, August 5, 2016


Q enjoying his current favorite food- pastas!!!

Little Miss Magic

Passed Out Cousins

The Perfect Snack Spot

Isla loves having a snack and properly sitting down to enjoy it. As soon as you give her something, she immediately looks for a special spot.

Round and Round

Before we got on the boat to go home after a great weekend in Catalina, we went for a big family walk. Both littles insisted on walking and both were quite the hit. Every single person we walked by wanted to talk, wave and ask questions about them. I think it's the blond hair. Whatever it is, it's pretty cute to watch.

Q's tummy is hot

Look how fast she is going

So Independent