Just a family of 3 living by the sea in Southern California. Oh! and don't forget Corduroy...make that 3.5!
Monday, November 28, 2016
Everything is Awesome
Q's favorite word is awesome right now. He'll do anything - or better yet jump off of anything so he can say "that was awesome!" My favorite is when he does something and then looks at one of us and says "was that awesome?"
Littlest Big Helper
Isla got to push a "cart" for the first time at Rite Aid. You would have thought she won the lotto. She had so much fun and actually did a good job picking out things. She lost her adorable little mind when she came upon Minion toothpaste right at her eye level. I did put back the 5 huge containers of Benefiber that she managed to load up while I picked out some chapstick...
Little Miss Sensitive
Isla saw this picture while it was sitting all the way up on the fire place. I brought it down for her and she carried it around, kept saying "no no no" whole point to the picture of Q's sad face and giving him kisses. So sweet! 
Monday, November 21, 2016
Wild Animal Park
We were a little too busy to get too many pics but you get the idea. Ignore my tired eyes...
Watching the ducks instead of eating lunch
Game Time
Q is having so much fun playing games these days. He is super competitive and a very quick learner. Here he is trying to beat the spinner.
3 kids
PK3 thought it would be fun to put the Amazon Fresh dry ice in some water for the kiddos. They loved it- and so did he. He was as still as a statue staring at the steam a good 20 minutes after I put the babes down.
Quote of the Q
Q: cheez its is a lot like Jesus Christ
Me: we'll, not really Buddy. Cheez Its are a yummy snack snack and Jesus Christ is the son of God. His birthday is what we're celebrating when we celebrate Christmas.
Q: oh ya. And Jesus Christ is a bad word
Me 3 minutes later:
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Monday Mornings at The Manor
I have so enjoyed not having to rush around in the mornings to get the babes ready. Many days I would have two plus hours to spend with them before going to work. While Luc still makes it infinitely easier for me in the mornings, I do have to rush out to beat the traffic on my morning commute. So some of my play time is interrupted by me getting myself pulled together. During this time, Q and Isla chill in the bathroom with me and I desperately try to find ways to entertain them.
On Monday the solution was cocnut oil and Q-tips.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
It's been a crazy few weeks with us all getting used to the time change, my new job and a ton of sicknesses all around the Manor. PK brought the kids down for NuVasive's Fall Festival Foundraiser on Wednesday afternoon. They had a blast riding the elevator, checking out all the cheetahs and eating free snacks from the vending machines. They even left me a sweet note in my office -which I haven't had the heart to erase yet.
Mr. Independent
We are D.E.E.P. Into "I can't do it by myself" mode around the manor. I think it took Q 10 minutes (and quite a few tears) but he finally got his shoes on "by himself" this morning -oh and not he ones in the picture, we went through two more pairs before he found ones that worked. I try so hard to slow down, teach, show patience and compassion and truly enjoy these moments - I have to admit though, it's hard slowing down when I'm so used to running around like a lunatic most days. I hope he is patient with me too.
Cousin Love
Ali and Matt came down for Everly's first birthday and came by to hang out on Sunday. The kids had a blast with them! Ali tried to braid Isla's hair but she was too tied to hold her head up long enough. She just wanted to lounge on Ali. So good spending so much time with them! Join the SD crowd already!
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
PK3 still takes orders from Q in the morning. Then we get to lay in bed, watch shows, have snack-snacks and of course caffienete Mommy. Thanks Dadda!! This is the best way to start a Tuesday... or any day really.
Today it was "Clifford Puppy Days", chocolate almond milk, "marshmallow cereal," a double latte and a little chat about Democracy. Q's coming to vote with me this morning and he's all prepped!
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Staircase Fun
Isla loves to give kisses through the railings. We have a lot of fun on the stairs these days. Isla is determined to learn how to go down without ANY help. It takes awhile and she falls half the time but we're getting there. Q is always trying to show her quicker ways down... she cares not

Littlest Photog
Q figured how to take pics with my phone. He was so proud of himself! He took a pic of his shadow... you can see his skills
Friday, November 4, 2016
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Never Gets Old
What is it about watchjng your babies sleep? So special, so sweet. I miss them and want them to wake up but at the same time I so relish being able to spend so much time
looking at their precious faces- perhaps because when they are not asleep they move so fast these days. Or perhaps it's because you can almost fool yourself into thinking you actually can slow time down...
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