Sunday, July 30, 2017

More Tahoe

Isla's two favorite things to do were drive the boat and fish- and of course she did it in a tutu


Cousin Memories

It's hard to explain how wonderful Tahoe is. Not only are we with family that we absolutely adore but there are so many new and fun things to do. I absolutely love nothing more than to watch the little play with their cousins. The best part is that there will be so many more fun times to follow!!

Q and Cruz on the baby boat


Isla and her 'tude 


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Isla Says

While putting Isla to sleep

Me: "Isla, cuddle up and close your eyes please"

Isla: (while poking me in the eye) "close yo eyes Mommy"

Me: "hehehehehehehe"

Isla: "it's not funny mommy."

Me: "who's the mommy in this relationship"

Isla: "me mommy"

Hard at work

Leaving notes for me in my work notebook


Sunday, July 16, 2017

She's a Keeper


Ain't Nuthin' like a Cousin Party

We helped Cousin Chloe celebrate her 6th birthday on Friday night. The kids did not stop screaming, bouncing, dancing, laughing for 3 houts. There were only 6 kids there but you would have thought it was 26. 

Happy birthday sweet Chloe. We love you so much!!




Summer Food

PK3 seems to have finally perfected his coconut opening technique. Thank God because we can't get enough of them.


So close

Either these two couldn't get enough of each other the other morning or they both wanted to sit in the same chair. I decided not to ask which it was...

They clearly felt the same way about taking an early
Morning pic.

Welcome to our house Alexa

The Marshall family has found another lady to boss around!


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

I think we have a problem

I have no idea why but for some reason we got an American Girl catalog in the mail today. Isla was obsessed! This is so crazy because she has never been one to spend any time with any sort of book. 

She already has a Bitty Baby from AG (thanks Mimi) and after he waybshe poured over the catalog I am sure that little baby will have some friends soon.


Friday, July 7, 2017


Our favorite music duo was playing at Fletcher cove. Such a fun way to spend a Thursday!



Catalina part Quattro

We had an absolute blast at Catalina this year. Mia and Granpa joined us. We can't wait to get back!!