Monday, August 28, 2017

Bath time makes it all better

It was a loooong day. Somehow a warm bath, a glass of wine and cuddles always makes it better.

Cabo 2017

We all went to Cabo for the week. It was super hot so we spent the whole time in the pool. Everyone at the hotel couldn't believe what good little swimmers Q and Isla were... or that we would willingly bring two toddlers to Cabo for the week.

We had a blast!! 

1st day of Pre-K

Q started Pre-K today. He was super teary. I stayed with him waiting for someone from his crew to show up and make him feel more comfortable but they were all tardy!!! 

Apparently he was ok shortly after I left and he told me that he wasn't going to cry next time he goes to school. All good signs!

Love you little man! You're going to do great things and it's ok that you're a little shy. 

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Q's Bed

Every night Isla takes a good two minutes to get perfectly situated in Q's bed. She puts her sweet little arm right around his neck and pretends to sleep. She is determined to spend all night with him. He can handle it for about 3 minutes. 

In this picture she is telling me to "move" because she doesn't want me on the bed with them. She thinks that not having me there increases her chances of getting away with a slumber party- like if I'm not there, I might just forget where she is...

Sorry little one, it's my job to know where you are and make sure you get good sleeps... everyone you interact with the next day appreciates how seriously I take this job of mine.

And there's Corduroy...


She takes styling my hair very seriously. She's so cute and determined that I can't stop her, even with all the hairbrush-to-head banging.

Lotsa Love Right Here

These Mamas have been hanging together for a loooong time! So fun to get together with all of our littles. The craziest part is that these nights were louder BEFORE kids!

Monday, August 14, 2017

People Watching and Pizza

We love URBN, especially sitting at the window and counting cars and waving to all the people.

Look at all the crusts on Isla's plate- she ate all those pieces and two more!

Sleepy Eyes Q

House and Home

These two are so hungry these days! After a while dinner which they crushed, that had licorice straws for dessert. I thought that was the end of feeding time but nope- not even close. Graham crackers and milk for Q and Puffs and Packets for Da Boosch.

Friday, August 11, 2017


He thought he was so cool hanging out in the back of the truck on the street. Our house is so noisy and messy with all the work that this really is the best option.

Monday, August 7, 2017


She's holding on tight to all her goodies from Target- even in her sleep