Friday, September 29, 2017

Cozy in the Closet

What you do when you're 2, wake up waaaay too early and Mama has to go to work.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Chocolate Cake

We've been making the best out of cooking and eating all of your meals in the pool house. Today we made chocolate cake and stayed up a little late to make a mess.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Lazy Sunday

Sometimes you want to sit in the fireplace and eat almonds

And sometimes you want to lounge and watch hobby kids in a pile of blankets 

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Boosch's nigh-nigh

Because I just posted about Q's bed time routine, I thought you might like to hear about Isla's current bedtime craziness.

Isla: "me, two minutes Q's bed"

This always turns into 15ish minutes. The we take her inher room and put her sleep sack on.

Isla: "I sit with you chair"

We sit in the chair and sing "5 Little Monkeys" (with hand gestures), "The Itsy Bitsy Spider"- twice and then she does her hand tricks which include making all of her fingers on one hand touch their partner on the other hand - this one she invented on her own and "here's the church, here's the steeple..." this one, she needs help with according to her.

Then she goes in her bed 

Isla: no close eyes, no close dat (she means the door)

Me: of course baby

Then she picks out which animals/babies she needs and which blankets.... leaving just enough room for her own little     body. 

Then she confirms agains-

Isla: "no close eyes, no close dat"

Quote of the Q

The scene: bed time

Q: goodnight, I love you. Own cup of water, big hall light on, extra kisses, see you in the morning, see you in your bed.  (This he says every night). 

Q: I love you one hundred thousand.

Me: I love you one hundred thousand plus one.

Q: I love you one hundred thousand plus one hundred.

Me: I love you one hundred thousand plus one hundred plus two.

Q: I love you as much love as you can have.

You win Baby Shakespeare, you win.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Mini Me

I love seeing Isla's little sunnies next to mine. My bag is full of her stuff (including her treasured minion tic-tacos) until Tuesday comes and it gets replaced with work stuff. Oh how I look forward to the weekends when I get to dump my computer and fill my bag with diapers, trucks, babies and extra clothes.

Quadruple Duty

Now that's a good stroller- a case of wine, Corduroy AND the Littles!!! 
