Thursday, October 26, 2017

Nailed it

Practice Halloween

Today the Nannies are putting on a Halloween party at the park for all the kiddos. They were so pumped to wear their costumes. 

FYI- they have no clue who Captain America is but they have been insisting for over a month that they both wanted to go as him.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

A few extras from this weekend with the cousins!

Walking sticks! 2 Prepstrrs and 1 Hipster

Our PKM4 is 4... how?! We love you so much little buddy!

Popcorn movie night- a tradition that we love to share!

That hair!! The boys were so excited to use PK3's haorngel. This was the after effect on Q's already textured hair.

We had to turn to the iPad a couple of times to get some quiet- and house work done. Isla was right in the mix.

Needless to say, we had a great time- as always!!! Love our extended tribe!!

Mimi helping with Jammie's

Tired Cousins

Q can't enough Ivy

Kisses for Mimi

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Playing in the pantry

She brought her cash register, drums and glow sticks in the pantry and had a dance party in the dark- and in her raincoat. This was her face when I told her I had to go make dinner. I should have stayed in there with her all night. 

Ready for muddy puddles

The Littles got new boots and rain coats. Isla asked all night if it was raining yet :). They also tho got the hangars were part of "the surprise."

Postcard from Poo

We looooove getting post cards from Uncle Poo! This one was from Philadelphia.

I put the post card on the board and Isla lost her mind. She cried until I gave it backto her. then she found a purse, put it in it (along with a letter from her doc saying it was time for her flu shot) and an orange frog and said "its special for me"

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Fishing with Grandpa

Q and Grandpa have been talking about going fishing for EVER! They finally got all their gear together and made it happen. Good luck you two!