Tuesday, November 28, 2017


They sure do love to cuddle with each other 

Quote of the Q

I have no idea where this one came from.

We drove around a little last night looking for Christmas lights. To no one particular, Q says:

“I am a Christmas Man.” 

Then a minute later he says:

“We don’t celebrate Hanukah.”


Sunday, November 26, 2017


We are so lucky to have amazing neighbors with great decorations. Q and Isla dance with the reindeer every night. I hope they never get bored of this.

Baby’s first caramel apple

Isla loved it... Q, not so much

Cousin Cuddle

What a great way to say goodnight to Thanksgiving!


It’s never too early for Christmas jammies- its never too late for amazing bed head.


We met Mia at the Forum in Black Friday. She was so sweet to take Isla and Q up and down the escalator. We alsways have so much fun with Mia.

Bounce house kinda weekend

We were so lucky to have so many visitors from our of town this week/weekend. We busted out the bounce house for all to enjoy on Wednesday and it stayed out until Sunday afternoon. We finally put it away- amongst lots of tears and begging to make it a permanent fixture in the foyer. 

Urban Photo Shoot

They were both in such silly moods

Saturday, November 25, 2017

LEGO Making

Q’s teachers said that playing with Legos could really help with his dexterity and writing. PK was very excited about this assignment. There is no doubt that HIS dexterity improved a bit over the long weekend.

We don’t use our dinning room table very often but it sure did get a lot of attention during our building sessions. 

Donuts were necessary for round two

Corduroy was also very into this activity

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Music Class 2

Q was not feeling so hot today but he was adamant about going to Music class.

Monday, November 13, 2017

1st Music Lesson

Sickie Sunday

She may have missed Crosby’s party but she still snagged some swag. She put it on and said she was going to keep it on forever.

Little lady was so sick today- she took three naps. At one point she woke up and said “you no smell good mommy.” I told her that it was her who was stinky and she said “I️ Sowwy.”

Before bed, she said, “you go work morrow? I hold you forever.” Love her so.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Easy like Sunday afternooooon

New tables or bunk beds?

Day Date with my Littles

Waiting for the train at he mall. Q is trying so hard to smile.

Learning Letters

Early morning practice sesh with Grandpa. Q wants to know how to spell everything. It’s so fun to watch him figure this whole letter thing out.

Isla wants no help- ever, at all, with anything. She is fully convinced that she can handle the entire letter book on her own.

Saturday, November 4, 2017