Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Only Pretend

Isla loves playing with her babies. When I tell her that she’s a good mommy, she says “only pretend mama.” She doesn’t say it but I totally hear a “duh” at the end of her sentence.

Growing Up

Look how big she looks in this pic! She’s not my baby anymore.

Mama’s Boy

Q let me know that he was really sad that we weren’t doing music on Saturdays anymore (he has baseball now so we moved music to Tuesday). He explained that he really liked our alone time. I told him that I had an easy solution. We could still have alone time- and explore other things around town together. This Monday was our inaugural Q-Mommy day. We went to the trampoline park, ate burgers, shared a massive rootbear float and picked up pizzas to make with the Krupp’s. The day could not have been better.

The sweetest part you ask? Q tore apart his shirt drawer looking for his Mamas Boy short to wear- all on his.

I am so very blessed to have such a sweet, loving, thoughtful Mamas Boy. I love you Q!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Big girl bed

This is so bittersweet. She is so ready for this step but it’s heartbreaking at the same time. No more crib, no more rocking chair, no more diapers. The baby stage is officially over. Thank goodness God makes them so adorable at this stage to ease the pain a little.

I love you little Isla. You will always be my sweet girl. Stay funny, strong and smart. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Birthday Party

Luc and her friends do such a nice job of celebrating all the kids’ birthdays. Here’s Q and Isla playing with their loot from one of the park bashes!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Style of her own

It’s not her birthday, it’s not snowing and I am totoally going to have to cut that sweater off of her given it’s for a 6 month old.