Monday, May 28, 2018

When the sun goes down

We stopped by the beach on the way home from dinner to say goodnight to the sun. Q did not stop running the entire time.

Ball Girl

Auntie Carry-line

We had a blast with Auntie “Carry-line” this weekend. So much fun that we couldn’t slow down to take many pics.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Caffeine Time

Isla made my “coffee” before I headed out today. It takes her 10 minutes to make one cup so patience is of the essence.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Doggy Door

There are some benefits to big teeny


Isla had her 3 year check up today. She is such a champ at the doctor now- moves right into each request without hesitating. She’s super teeeeny: 9th percentile for weight and 14th for height. And her ears are finally clear!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

It’s my party and I’ll hate it if I want to

I had a sneaky suspicion that this might happen. We put a ton of thought and time into Isla’s birthday and to be frank- she didn’t love it. I have to say- I’m not all that surprised. It was still fun to shower her with love of course.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Getting Ready

We spent some tome getting ready for Isla’s big ballet party on Saturday afternoon.

Isla even made an I with the not-done-yet poof balls.

Royal Wedding

We watched the recap from the Royal Wedding over coffee on Saturday. Isla loved the castle and the princess- Q was just down right bored. Then we started talking about when PK3 and I got married so I showed them our wedding album. That they both loved! 

Friday, May 18, 2018

Birthday Rock Star

A Morning with Granpa

Luz had today off to attend Javy’s graduation! Grandpa agreed to come over and spend some time with her before he went to work. He planned to take her to Starbucks for croissants, the book store and then target- what’s not to love?! Isla was super excited until it was time to buckle her into his car. Then she lost it. 

Here she is screaming in his car. You can see my Dad’s arm trying to close the door while he tells me “to just go.” 

As you can see- things quickly turned around:

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Surprise Disney!

We’ve gotten into the habit of taking the kids to Disneyland around their birthdays. With all the party planning, we hadn’t worked in our Disney trip this year. I had however planned on taking Isla’s birthday off. The night before her big day I decided to surprise them in the morning. PK3 couldn’t join 😥 because we hadn’t planned it but Luz, Tori, this Kids and I had the best time ever at the happiest place on Earth. After spoiling them all day, we were home in time for PK3 to have dinner with his little Princess. 

They had lollipops the size of their faces (Q remembers this from when we went when he was 3 so now it’s a tradition).

Isla got to pick out any Princess dress she wanted- she went with Anna.

The got cotton candy- I didn’t say no all day : /

We rode tons of rides!

And goofed around a whole bunch!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother’s Day Melt Down

We I have been thinking about updating Q’s room lately. He needed space so I pulled out the big reading chair thinking it was going to be easier to visualize what we could do. It was a huge fail! Q lost his mind. Apparently that chair is very important to him. He cried FOREVER and begged for us to put it back in. Even after explaining all the good ideas and hours of distraction techniques, he was still sad at lunch. He was making this face and when I asked him why he said “you know-my chair.” Poor buddy. 

Mother’s Day Thief

The kids and PK3 did an amazing job making me feel special today. Isla couldn’t help herself...

Friday, May 11, 2018

Sweet Little Man

We celebrated Teacher Appreciation and Mother’s Day with Q’s class today. 

Annnnnd I surprised Q by being the Mystery Reader. He was so happy! I haven’t stopped smiling since!

Ready for a blizzard

... or the park - in May - in San Diego

... or her quinceanera

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


PK3 ordered the best prop for Isla’s party! She saw it and said “can we bring this to my party?”