Tuesday, July 31, 2018

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again

There is something oh-so-special about cousins. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just met them or you’ve literally known them your entire life, if they’re blood or by marriage- it’s jutst special.

We were so lucky to be able to spend three great days with Caroline, Monica, Beth, Joshua and Jonathan. You would have thought we spent every weekend together for the last 5 years - the kids clicked immediatelyand had a blast! The adults had some fun too :). 

Now all we have to do is talk PK3 into Disney on Saturday for the grand finale! 

More pics to come...

Monday, July 23, 2018

Take a picture of me Mommy

It’s usually quite challenging to get Isla to slow down long enough to have her picture taken. That’s why it was so cute when she climbed up in a window at Anthropolgy and said, “take a picture of me mommy!”

We had a great girls morning on Saturday. Isla was a little nervous about her second day of ballet so I suggested that we do something special after. She promptly said “how ‘bout we get our nails done?” I melted and said yes of course! She picked out all our colors- 4 different shades of blues and greens. Then we went shopping.

It was one of those mornings you dream about when you’re a little girl and thinking about your future little girl. 

Looking forward to many more sweet little Isla.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Bringing back Sunday Funday with the Hall-Kneips

Back before the littles came along, we spent many Sundays with Will and Kari. It’s been a bit hard to keep the tradition alive with all the recent craziness. We stopped by to pick Corduroy up on the way home from the ferry and ended up spending the afternoon with them. We had a blast of course! The highlight was Isla feeding baby Emme. She was so proud! We also played dog pile, looked for bugs and drank 3 bottles of wine. 

Catalina 2018

Every year Catalina gets better and better! This was the year of animals which is perfect because Q and Isla cannot get enough of them! They collected sea snails, sand crabs, real crabs and minnows and we saw dozens of deer, bat rays, sea lions, girabaldi and a fox. We even went on a boat at night and saw flying fish!!!! 

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Watch out farm stand! Captain Isla’s comin’ for you

Friday night is for the littles

Pk was busy on Friday night so we hemheaded our for milkshakes, rides and new flip flops!

Tiny Dancer

Isla had her first dance lesson today. She’s been talking about it for months. Even though she asked to go, I wasn’t sure how it was actually going to go but she did great!! After watching from the sidelines for a bit she was ready to join in. She did tap and ballet and told me that she had so much fun and couldn’t wait to go back!! 

Way to Shine Isla!!

I love watching all that you do. 

Breakfast in the ‘cuzzi