Just a family of 3 living by the sea in Southern California. Oh! and don't forget Corduroy...make that 3.5!
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Happy and Cozy
Sometimes it can take Isla some time to warm up- not yesterday! She told me 5 times before Gramma came how much she loved her. She sat right on top of her at dinner and could not wait to cuddle up and watch her favorite movie with her. I love watching these two together. ❤️ 💜

Friday, November 23, 2018
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Q’s turn to perform
Today Q and the rest of the Kindergarteners sang us 5 Thanksgiving songs. Who knew there were 5 Thanksgiving songs out in the world? Two were in Spanish which is even weirder given they weren’t involved Imin the whole thing but whatever.

Anyway, Q looked super cute but didn’t seem too into it. He does love signing “5 Fat Turkeys” at home- ask him to sing it to you next time you talk to him. You’ll thank me :)
I also have videos of this blockbuster if you’re interested.
First Recital
Isla did such a great job at her first recital. She had dress rehearsal, makeup, hair instructions and the cutest outfit ever! You have to ask me for the video - it really is the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.

Waiting backstage- I volunteered to keep her class busy while they waited for their turn. That was fun 🤦♀️

Taking her bow

I am so proud of all of her hard work.
Waiting backstage- I volunteered to keep her class busy while they waited for their turn. That was fun 🤦♀️
Taking her bow
Monday, November 19, 2018
Q loves piano class. According to his teacher, he’s pretty good. I have no idea if this is true because I know nothing about music. As long as he’s loving it, I’m loving him in it.

Here he is practicing writing music notes.
Friday, November 16, 2018
Monday, November 12, 2018
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Isla’s favorite thing to do: craft (aka make a huge, sticky mess that drives her daddy nuts)

Isla’s favorite thing to craft with: glue
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Voting Partner
Q is my trusty buddy every time I vote. It’s so fun to explain the whole thing to him.

And now:

And now:
Mystery Box for Boosch
One of Q’s favorites things from preschool and pre-k was the mystery box. Every kid gets a turn (or three) to take it home and bring it back with something special along with three clues to help their classmates guess what it is. Q’s teachers were always so impressed that he would stand up and recite his clues all by himself- usually the teachers read them.

Anyway- it’s a huge deal when you’re 3 and 4.
Today when I picked Isla up from school her teacher promptly announced that it was Isla’s turn!! She could not be more excited. She was also super jazzed to tell Q which I think is super cute.
Here she is hiding it behind her back as she walked into the house so she could “surprise” Q with the big news.
Monday, November 5, 2018
Watch Week
It was parent watchbweeknat ballet today which means the parents get to sit in and watch practice. Isla did an amazing job for the first half and then competely lostbsteam and took a 20 minute break on my lap. We figured out that she “ran out of power” on the drive home.

Saturday, November 3, 2018
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Bright Spots
We’ve all been trying to find as many bright spots about Q’s diagnosis as we can. He found a big one today- he’s the only kindergartener that we know who has his own iPhone! He was so excited all day. He ran around taking tons of (awful) pictures and this super cute one of his sis.

Don’t worry little buddy, we’ll find you lots more bright spots!
Perfectly sums up Isla
No, we did not leave her out. She was invited to be a shark with us. In fact, she has two shark costumes but chose to wear this dress and once she realized how badly I wanted a picture, refused to look forward.

Love you my little crazy princess!
Also, Q would like for you to notice that he is biting her hair because he is a shark and sharks bite.
One last thought- I officially hate Halloween and am so glad it’s over.
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