Saturday, December 22, 2018


I took Q to his last day of school before Christmas break. We delivered gifts, he told me 10 times he didn’t want to sing in the Christmas show, we found out that he had a substitute and the nurse wasn’t due in until late. Oh and parents were wheeling in wagons of cookies, hot chocolate and candy.

So basically the only things happening at school that day were the sharing of germs and consumption of sugar.

So I explained what hooky is to Q and asked him what he thought about it. He asked if they were going to learn anything and I said no.

Then we left- before the bell even rang.

Here he is all dressed up before the big ditch.


Christmastime with Liz

She knew exactly what they wanted!!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Farm Stand pics

They begged me to take a pic of them with these bears. They also thought it was very odd that they were wearing pj’s to the farmer’s market which I think is funny because they wear pj’s in the mornings with PK3 on the weekends.

I love that they’re always kissing and hugging each other.

Jamma Day at School

Monday, December 10, 2018

Batiquitos Lagoon

Went for a great hike (and lunch) with The Caspersens. The kids has so much fun running up the big hills and finding walking sticks. Isla was very specific about what pictures she wanted taken of her and her friends.

Another outfit for the books

Sunday, December 9, 2018

A great night with great friends

I love a good impromptu get together. We hung at the Balsamo’s with the Janes, Matricardi and Gates families. The kids made ornaments, watched The Polar Express and Dances their tiny tooshies off! We are so happy to have our friends back in town.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Rainy Dinner with Gwumpa

December 5th

I have a friend from work who is from Germany. She told me that in Germany, the kids tidy their rooms,
Polish their shoes and put them outside. If they’ve been good, St. Nikolaus will leave them treats. If that haven’t been so good, they coal. We tried to see what would happen! 

Stay tunes to see the result....

La Costa Tree Lighting

This event is nuts. I’m hoping the kids see it as magical- their faces sure make it seem like they do. We meet up with a ton of friends at La Costa to watch Santa parachute in! There’s cookie decorating and tons of coco. The kids even got to dance (or do yoga- that was Q) on the stage after the performances were over. Of course, they still won’t even talk about taking a pic with the big man- oh well!