Monday, February 25, 2019

3 reasons why I love this screen shot

1. It captures our current crazy life. It used to seem like everything was so under control but lately (really since Oct 12) it feels like a constant spiral. It is only going to get crazier once this little Bebe completes our family in June. Not that being pregnant is easy but I now know from experience that having them contained is so much easier than trying to keep them safe, fed, happy and developing while trying to turn them into good humans in the real world. 

2. It was sent at 5:46 am. For most of the world- that’s pretty early. For my Dad, who works nights- that’s the middle of his night. PK and I were both super sick (the entire family has been sick for 2 weeks-in all honesty, it’s been like the Armageddon) the day before and I woke up to an onslaught of crazy work emails so my normal planning-ahead for things like this totally fell through the cracks, leaving 5 am the only time to figure out how the day was going to work.

3. There is no return text. My Dad called me immediately, said he was grabbing a cup of coffee and would be over ASAP to do whatever we needed. I could tell that I had woken him up... and that he was happy that I did.

By 5:00 this morning, I was already headed down a (hormone-induced I’m sure) path of stress, self pity (for not being able to take Q myself), worry and regret but this small act from my Dad totally flipped that around and now I feel like I can take on the world- at least for one more day and only as long as no one else pukes or poops in their pants.

Thank you Gwumpa!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Big Bear

We’ve been so excited to get back in the snow. The kids think it is truly magical! There’s a huge storm today which is just fine by us. PK is on the slopes with Q and Isla is patiently waiting her turn.

She needed a little extra love while we got ready this morning because she was absolutely distraught over not being able to wear a bathing suit and tutu. We got through it but it was a rough one!

Sunday, February 17, 2019


There’s something so special about watching your kids at the park.

Snow Ninja


Isla loves crafts so I took her to Michaels and let her fill up a little cart with whatever she wanted. She picked out a few things for Q too. It was messy but it’s so fun to watch them be creative.

Oh ya- we also had cupcakes while we waited for PK3’s cake to be ready 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Morning Photo Shoot

The littles were so cute this morning- I just couldn’t help but take pics of them even though they were totally goofing off and thought it was hilarious to show me the bacon and eggs they were eating.

The years are so short- when did they get so big?

Showing Off

Kindergarten is so much fun! Q is so proud of all his hard work!!