Monday, April 22, 2019


We had so much fun on Easter this year. I think the kids may prefer it to Christmas!! It was such a busy weekend that I didn’t take a single picture. Thankfully, some friends and family shared. We had an 8 hour party yesterday with some of our favorite people - we hid hundreds of eggs, had two dance parties, swam for hours, had two meals, played games and saw the Easter Bunny! Well, Q and Isla ran right to as soon as they saw him to confirm that they wouldn’t need to talk to him or take a pic with him. But we watched him from afar. 

Yes, Isla has leg warmers in her arms, tights, leg warmers in her legs and Uggs on. This was our compromise actually. 

Inside dance party -waiting for the egg hunt 

True So-cal egg hunt... all the kids are in their swimsuits! And no Q or Isla in the pic with the Bunny :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Always kissing him

Whenever I ask them to pose for a picture together, Isla leans over and kisses him.

Playground Hero

Q found a stick bug at school! This is perfect because this week they are studying bugs and creating bug habiatats. Q’s teacher called him “just magical.” She made a huge deal out of it, gave him a container to collect it in and let him build a home for it and name it. He was glowing!!!

Another great outfit put together by Miss Monroe

Another procedure crushed by our little Q

Ultrasound on his neck came back clear! Atta boy Q!!

Proud of this one too

Isla has become quite the little artist. She’s been drawing these beautiful multi colored suns that she made up herself. I asked her to draw one for me and Granpa and Grandy. On mine, she wrote her name and “mom.” To say that I lost it is an understatement. I was so proud of her!!! I had told her how to spell Mom a few weeks ago but had no idea she had committed it to memory or could write it on her own. Seeing this was like the first time her little arms reached out for a hug or the first time she told me she loved me. As you can tell, I’m a little proud of her and touched :)

This kid never fails to amaze me

Also- huge shout out to the nursing staff in our district! They are amazing and we are so lucky!

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Littlest Helper

We got the pleasure of watching Ellie, Ivy and Emme for a few hours. Isla was so helpful with Emme and I’m pretty sure Emme was saying “Isla” by the end of the night.

Pretty Rad Day

Happy Birthday Ivy! Thanks for having such an awesome party!! We love you!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

First ever braid by Daddy

Isla found this tree and wanted pics in it

A few shots of spring break

We really enjoyed our trip with our friends so I didn’t spend a lot of time taking pics but here’s a few good ones of my little loves.

We love golf cart rides!

Every picture together, she has to kiss him

Isla found this rock herself and asked us to take a pic of her on it.

Taco underpants for taco Tuesday!

Matching jams- our favorite! P.S. - the baby already has these too :)

Making Carb Free Bread

It wasn’t great in case you’re wondering.

But how adorable is this little chef?