Thursday, May 30, 2019

A loooong, cold walk

We left the house for a walk on Sunday morning and ended being gone for almost 4 hours! We were having so much fun wandering around. Isla wanted to see “the seaside” so we bundled up for a quick trip to the shore. It’s definitely still too cold for a beach day but it was good to get some fresh sea air!

Doing Good

Q and his classmates made dog biscuits, advertised them on YouTube, sold them on Amazon and shipped them to the customers. They did all of this to buy a white board for the play area and donate money to the local humane society. On Tuesday, we met up with his teacher and some classmates to donate $89 to the animals. We are so lucky to have such an amazing school/teacher and kinder experience.

Helping Out

Isla is taking 4 very seriously. She is very into helping these days which is perfect timing- let’s hope that it stick around when the baby comes!

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Silly Shoes

They thought it was so funny to wear mix-matched shoes to a birthday party today. It’s hard to see but Isla has one golden jelly and one rainbow jelly- she actually started the trend.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

All the way to the top!

Isla has always been nervous to go the top of this play structure at The Forum. Without hesitation, she scurried right up there this Saturday. She (and I) we’re so proud!!

Baby Shower

Some girls on my team insisted on throwing a baby shower for me and my co-worker/friend Jen. PK even brought the kids! It was lovely and so very special!!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

World Series Champs!

Yesterday was a good day! Q and The Dodgers beat the Red Sox 20-3 in the 6U Carlsbad league. They played their hearts out all season. The team had such a special bond - some of the boys have played together since they were three and the coach was amazing and full Of heart! It’s sad to think that things have to change as they grow up and start drafting the boys. At least we’ll always have the memories... and skills!


So excited about her “twins like Uncle Poo!”

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Getting Ready

This is how you pick up a birthday cake when you’re almost 4!

Wiggle Bot

Q made a wiggle bot that colors in coding class. He is so proud and hasn’t stopped talking about it for 5 days! 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Field Trip

It was close to impossible to get pics of these kids at the Wild Animal Park. I think that’s a sign that we had a blast!! Q said that he wished the day would never end ... that’s how I feel every day with you little buddy.