Saturday, October 26, 2019

These kiddos bring out the crazy in each other

We had to let them watch the iPad for a few so they would chill the EF out- they are lunatics from the second they see each other until we pry them apart. Only this crew needs one iPad for all 4 of them. 

Here is a sweet shot of Q telling Pete how he got Alexa to play a dog whistle- he was laughing so hard, he could barely get the story out. Sweet Pete was so patient waiting to hear every last detail.

Practice Trick-or-Treating


This is how we wait for Isla to do tap, ballet AND hi-hop EVERY Saturday. How did I end up with a dancer?! 

Friday, October 25, 2019

When you run into your cousin at Trader’s

Surprise Disney Adventure

We woke the kids up super early on Tuesday and took them to Disney for the night.  It was exhausting but so much fun. Here are the very few photos that we were able to snap.
Q was but enough to ride everything and was so brave. Isla loved the Haunted Mansion.

I don’t think we said “no” to anything!

Kap loved every minute of it. He was so into all the sounds and sights and smells. 

Isla walked into the hotel and said, “ when will my service be here?” So of course I let her order everything she wanted.

Someone is going to miss the baby gear once Kap grows up

Monday, October 21, 2019

Fall Break Snuggles

Q is on Fall Break which means twice the Son-Snuggles for my last two weeks of leave. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Reading Time

Grandpa surprised us with a visit and then made me smile by spending his entire visit reading with Q. Thanks Dad! 

One of Kaplin’s fans

Flower Fairy

Every week, a student brings flowers to the classroom. It was isla’s turn to be the flower fairy this week. She also asked to bring snack in because when they do that, they get to lead calendar. I need to start running my life like Aspirations, school of Learning...

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Moving on up

In the same week, Isla was asked to move up to the Vet soccer class, the next level of ballet and invited to join the pre-hip hop class. Now if only I could get her to eat her breakfast without losing her shit.