Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Getting ready for his 1st Christmas

Big boy big decisions

Kap decided that he would like to sleep on his tummy now... we think. For the last few nights, he’s been flipping over and crying or getting stuck on the side of the crib and crying. This morning, after I fed him, he rolled right over and fell asleep. I’m hoping that the internal struggle he’s been dealing with about this is over and we can all get some
Sleep again.

Happy 100 Days Sophie & Alden

Celebrating 100 days of life is a big tradition in Korean culture. It was pretty cool that the twins’ 100 Days happened to be when we were up there for their baptism. 

Uncle Jesse has become quite confident with all these little ones which heart smile.

Ready for Frozen 2

I took Isla with about 30 of our friends to see Frozen. She spent all day picking out her outfit and packed little bags of Frozen cereal for everyone. When we got there she was a little overwhelmed by how many people from her class were there... I think she was expecting a more intimate viewing experience. She sat in the “adult” row the entire time. 

While she wasn’t really into the social aspect of the evening, she LOVED the movie. She was one of the few kids to sit and watch the entire movie which surprised me because even though she is obsessed with all things Frozen, she doesn’t really like to watch the first much.

Anyway, I was secretly happy she wanted to sit with me and of course and soaked up every last little cuddle. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Monday night soccer crew

Fighting over Kap // Kap loving the attention 


Q has started having spelling tests. On Mondays we give him the test before he’s seen any of the words. This week he got 100% of them correct right of the gate! 

Isla, never one to be left behind, is right in his face screaming for me to give her worlds to practice. I give her letters and she inevitably tells me that I’ve given her the wrong letters and does what she wants anyway. 

Hence the wine glass also pictured.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


We spent a long weekend in Cabo for Chace and Sarah’s wedding. It was so good to meet so many new people
that I’ve heard so much about and spend time with others that we don’t get to see often enough. Q and Isla had so much fun with their cousins and Kap was absolutely delighted to spend time screaming and laughing with everyone- especially Mimi and Bubba.

Behaving in First Class 

Monday, November 4, 2019

Last Minute Cuddles

Thanks to daylight savings time and Kap’s new obsession with grabbing his feet, this little guy is ready for a cuddle and a nap before I leave for work. I don’t know if that’s going to make it harder or easier :/

Send all the strength and happy thoughts today... it’s going to be so hard to spend the day away front not only this little guy but the rest of the fam as well. 20 weeks went by way too fast. 

I just hope that me spending all of this time at work really is best for them in the long run and that I don’t regret missing this time with them while they are little.

See you after work my baby.

Can’t stop, won’t stop

Look at the time- he should absolutely be sleeping but he can’t stop practicing his new trick. The sleep sack adds a layer of complexity but that’s not stopping Kap.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Building competition

Family photo shoot sneak peek

All day long

Now that he’s figured out how to capture both of his feet, he can’t let them go. 

Another Kind of Oatmeal

We tried giving Kap some Oatmeal. He can’t get it in his mouth fast enough!!

Shoe Fawts

That’s what Isla kept calling her flu shot. She genuinely could not figure out how she was saying it wrongZ

She might have been able to say it but she was a champ taking it. Both her and Q popped up on the table , stuck their arms and took their shots like champs.

So proud of them

Halloween 2019

Halloween has become my least favorite holiday but Of course the kids love it so we do everything we can to make it special and normal (which sometimes feels more important these days). This year, the kids and PK3 camped with the Caspersen’s the day before- it was freezing and no one slept much. Isla had to go to the doctor for a fight her cheek lost with a band-aid and Kap and I were exhausted from a rough night at home alone. We pulled it together by 3:00 for a huuuuge party at my work. Then we met up with some of our best friends at the Hall-Kneip’s for pizza and truck-or-treating. We had about 50 people in our group which was insane but the kids thought it was awesome. 

Q is super into Mario right  now- I don’t n ow how much longer they’ll let us dress up as a family. I was the Player in case you’re wondering. I have a controller belt and Mario shirt. My controller didn’t work too well on the characters though.