Sunday, February 21, 2021

Got the kids out of the house so PKM3 could celebrate

We sure made the best of a good thing! Can’t wait to do it again. 

 A rare moment alone...

Always looking for critters to take care of. Too bad they most always don’t make it.  :(

Q is still talking about “how amazing” the Top Golf suite was. Isla was terrified of the Zombies.

So many snacks needed -especially after all the swimming which would be better known as “diving under the water and floating until someone grabs him.” S’fun!

Dinner on a soccer field-pool table thing.

The man of the moment: 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


Leave it to Linds to make me feel pretty again. I still can’t stop staring at my nails! And of course Isla and Ivy were right in the Princess mix.

The hair dye though....

Q and Rocket kept referring to themselves as “the cool
Dudes” when they had chalk in their hair however, I got way more of an adorable vibe versus the badass vibe they were going for. Maybe it’s an Auntie/mom thing...

And then there was Isla’s Hunger Games look  that morphed into Granny on an island as the weekend progressed.

I thin Cruz pulled off the badass look for sure...

Shades with our faves

So much love for all these littles

And not so littles

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Yoga on a crib

No rules in Covid times

Last time for this amazing jumpsuit?

We’re gunna miss this one... she’s had it for three years!!

Likes to be in control

Grandma sent a box of snacks to the kids. This inspired Isla and ultimately Q to pack their own lunches so they could ensure their favorite snacks were included. It was magical!

Surprises for Mama

Every morning, Kap goes for a walk around the ‘hood and brings me treasures that he finds. Yesterday he had two lemons for me. PK asked him for one and while he struggled to come up with the right answer, ultimately he said no and I got both! 

Today I got a flower and a lemon!

Monday, February 1, 2021

So resourceful

I asked Kap what Luz was going to say when she saw his new haircut. He touched his hair, said “oooooh” and the worked VERY hard to push this little table all the way from the family room to the window where we wait for Luz so he could stand on it and see out. I was so sad to have to tell him that she wasn’t coming today and he’d have to wait until tomorrow.

We sent Luz the picture and she sent the second one back. Apparently Isla was watching something on her iPad that Kap was interested in and he pushed the same table all the way into the kitchen so he could stand on it and watch it with her.

Always looking for new places to hang

Handsome healthy Little dude

Kap’s first haircut

I knew it was going to be more challenging than Q or Isla’s first haircut but he did it!! And looks so cute!!

The many faces of trying

Isla asked for extra school work on Sunday. I think because Q was finishing up his from the week and she wanted to be involved. One thing I asked her to do was write the numbers 1-30. With a little help and encouragement, and a lot of hard work- she made it all the way to 100!!’ She was so proud of yourself. This is not easy when you’re constantly being forced to think through new concepts in a language you’re just learning but she did it!
She then used an entire role of tape to tape it up outside her room. So that’s gunna be cool to clean up... eventually. 

Her teacher left me a message the other day to let me know how much she is enjoying having Isla in class. She said that she comes across so demure but is full of grit and brilliance.

This was such a great example of that.

Check out all the faces on the way there.