Tuesday, March 23, 2021

When Mom’s away, the babies play

FaceTime fails

Get me home to my babie! 

Kappy doesn’t get it. Breaks my heart

Blood tests

There are so many reasons to know your blood type these days... susceptibility to Covid, deeper insights into your zodiac sign. 2021 is a fascinating time. 

Anyway, we got some at-home diagnostic kits. As you would guess, you need some blood. You would think this wouldn’t be a problem in our house and it wasn’t for 4/5 of us...

Earlier that day, while we were gardening, I poked my finger on a super sharp succulent. It drew the most perfect drops of blood and Isla was fascinated. Later, when we needed her blood, she insisted on using the plant. We explained this would be very hard but she insisted. We let her try and shocking- - - it didn’t work. 

We now know 4/5 of our bloods types but we know that Isla would prefer a plant to draw her blood over some weird device and for that we love her even more. As if we even thought that was possible!

Here she is trying her best.

1st day of Spring

Time to plant the garden. We are so lucky to live in such great weather and have wonderful soil. It doesn’t hurt that we can stop at our favorite garden store on our walk back from the beach. Too bad gardening is so much work.

This year Q and Isla planted their own boxes and are taking on some serious responsibility to keep them going. Stay tuned for the progress.

Kap just liked riding on the cart :)

Getting so big and so handsome

Sunday Beachday

Q got really good at stacking rocks

Kap played with this stick for 45 minutes and didn’t poke any eyes out!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Spilled milk

PK accidentally spilled Isla’s cereal the other day. After about a minute of watching us all react, Kap calmly picked up his bowl of cereal and dumped it right on top the mess.

The next morning, he again dumped his cereal on the floor in the calmest manner and then made this duck face. Help!

Why tho?

Silly girl- love all these smiles in the middle of my day

Found Isla in Caroline’s new book 📚

This is...

Kinder in 2021...

And 2nd grade in 2021...

Grandpa Time is the Best Time

We had dinner with Grandpa on Wednesday. We brought tons of toys, went to the park, had pizza and played chess. It couldn’t have been more perfect. We are so happy to be able
do these things again. What a year with so much missed :(

Q is so excited to be checking out a new park- he is literally in the air in this picture. And Kap wanted to tell Grandpa about everything- with one of his only words which is “eh” over and over and over again. Grandpa is so patient. 

Isla and Q both crushed Grandpa at chess though something tells me he was going easy on them for teaching purposes. 

At this point in the game, Isla exclaimed, “my queen is protected but my king is in danger!” She also gave us a play-by-play every time she “killed one of gwumpa’s guys.”

The park crew (photo cred: PK)

Love you Dad! Thanks for having us over.