Friday, May 28, 2021

Cheetah time

Last night at bed time Isla told me she was supposed to dress up like a cheetah today. Cheetahs are kind of a big deal among her friends right now son of course we had a cheetah dress. Easy-peasy I thought. No such luck. She also told me that it couldn’t be a dress because she has to be able to tuck a tail into it. So started the great cheetah project of 2021. 

Lots of cutting and planning - and here is where we ended up. She woke up with the biggest smile on her face so excited to put this get-up on.

The best part is that I’m pretty sure if she were supposed to dress up like a cheetah, I would be aware so it’s very possible she is going to be the only cheetah at a school. Not that she would mind at all!

Monday, May 24, 2021

Vacay please!

This is my Wednesday. Not rare. Double booked 9 times. I don’t even have time to make this make sense. Somebody get me a cocktail and some family time STAT!

Would you like some mint?

I washed it and dried it and put it on a plate.

Of course you have to say yes but the correct answer is actually no. You are not supposed to eat mint this way. But how do you say no to that?

Saturday, May 22, 2021

New spot!

Finally a coffee shop we can walk to on our way down to the beach. We’ve been waiting a long time for this.. and it’s perfect!!

And the Jeepster is always welcome to pull up right in front.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Not sure why this makes me so happy but it does

Ready for all those summer fires in the backyard. 

Who am I kidding- we burn this stuff all year long.

Western Day at school

This is one exhausted farmer. When I asked her how it was she said “a lot of work” and then she started crying because the baby chickens had to move out of the classroom.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Birthday tribute from Dadda

These have become my favorite part of special days in our family. Thanks for always making us feel loved by you PK.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Dove update

The babies are here!! I am way more excited about this than I should be :)

Now I’m already worrying that they’re not going to be able to figure out how to fly out of the mud room.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Best chick Mommy ever

Thank God they’re only here for 18 hours

Photo credit: Grandpa

We were so lucky to spend Mother’s Day with Grandpa. It was bittersweet because it was the first year without Granny but if nothing else, I have learned to take nothing for granted. I cherish every minute we spend with my Dad. 

Thanks for a great Mother’s Day Dad! 

Convos with Luc re: Kap and a hat

Convos with Isla’s teacher

Q’s response: “we created a math machine!”

100% thinks he’s hidden