Saturday, July 31, 2021

Tan little dude

This one loves it when I get ready these days. 

Why you ask? 

because we are using Q and Isla’s bathroom while the master is being redone. Which means he gets to watch teetees on my iPad on Isla’s “boat bed” the entire time. 

This is how it’s working right now and this little tan dude loves it!

Olympics and Cali Creamin’

And good friends!!

Thursday, July 29, 2021


Ever wonder what happens if you laugh too hard with a mouth full of whipped cream? 

That’s on you PK. Have fun cleaning up!

Quote of the Boosch

The scene: we are having a picnic dinner on the grass outside. Isla was asked to get waters for the kids.

Isla (on her way out with this lovely tray of drinks): “what? Am I the parent now?!”

Answer: no, you have to wear a shirt when you’re a responsible adult. Enjoy being a little as long as you can. And thanks for the kid waters and the sugary drink you snuck in there ;)

My 3 cuddle bugs

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

There’s some serious sorting going on here

About 3 minutes later, these poor bears were launched all over the family room. 

WFH Life

She was under there the entire time I was on a Zoom with one of our presidents. I’m not complaining- I feel very lucky to have all that we do, including our jobs and my three wonderful kids to keep me on my toes during these weird times. 

Maybe a clear desk wasn’t the best option though…

Friday, July 23, 2021

Cut? Pop?

Kap is captivated by the fact that Corduroy got a “cut?” He keeps asking if he got a “pop?” You know, because he get s lollipop when he gets a haircut. And then he asks each of us if we got cuts and pops too.

Movie night

Chocolate in the morning makes everything better

Waiting for x-rays with some sugar!

Thursday, July 22, 2021


This goofball has a very purple finger thanks to a failed handstand attempt. We’ll be getting X-rays first thing in the morning - sending ❤️ and healing vibes.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

I see you

- trying to get away from Kap because he keeps putting sand you. Sorry dude. 

I’ll try harder to keep him in his “workshop”

Friday, July 16, 2021

Luc is a lucky nanny

Kap is already for her with his helado cart- whether she wants a sweet treat at 7:00 am or not.