Monday, October 25, 2021

My little big deal

So this is a big deal. 

Q was honored by the Christopher Foundation. They got Bret Boone to come meet him. They gave him of a bunch of baseball swag and invited him and 5 of his friends to the Padres game of his choice in 2022 where he will get to meet all the players and go on the field.

That’s not even close to the best part.

Q was asked to thank people for coming. He did that and so much more. He told them about what it was like to be a kid with T1D. He thanked the scientists and doctors and donors. He broke hearts.

He did it in two languages while being held up to the microphone by Bret Boone. 

There are no words. There has never been a more proud mom. Ever.

I hate that he suffers. I still find myself dealing with the shock and grief of watching him survive. At the same time, I thank God every day that he is the little boy that I got. And I tell him that every chance I get. 

Here are some pics of him trying to pass the time while he waited for his turn on stage. It was so boring. He was the only kid there but as always, he found a way to get by.

I love you more than words could ever say little buddy. You are the strongest soul I know. I am so proud to be your mommy.

So mad

That sass tho

Friday, October 22, 2021

Last vacation photo dump- until next time rancho relaxing

This was right outside our room at the first hotel. It was called “The Portal” and the kids loved talking about where they wanted it to take them.

These kiddos love the “hot pool.”

Daily Dippin’ Dots. They earned these ones for completing the snake scavenger hunt!

So much to be excited about

Don’t mind the huge bump on my forehead- that was from Kap throwing a Yeti wine glass at me while I was distracted playing Scorpion (which we fully made up) with Q in the hot tub on our back porch. Not cool dude. 

Dad phone photo dump

Little trail blazer

Kap always said hi to the ghosts on the chair


Sooo tired

Living Desert

While Grandpa and PK played golf, I took all three kids to the Living Desert. I figured we’d burn an hour -we’d been with friends before and didn’t love it. This time it was awesome! We had a blast and stayed all morning. We did all.the.things!! 

I love how they sit so close to each other

Big kid hike

The Bigs said their favorite part of the entire trip was hiking so we headed out for one more trek up the Chuckwalla trail to bid farewell to our Fall 21 vacay. The kids crushed it again.

Not pictured: Kap- because he didn’t go. Because he is NOT a good hiking buddy.

Saturday, October 9, 2021