Saturday, November 27, 2021

Looking for the perfect tree

Well- in the parking lot before said hunt because they are nuts and tree-hunting and picture-taking don’t mix.

Pic of the tree- at home, most likely taken while they are asleep coming soon. 

I love how the Bigs both got down on Kap’s level… 

Christmas Man part deux

We bought this jacket for Q when he was teeny. He put it on and said, “I’m a Christmas Man.”

Kap didn’t say that today but you could tell he felt it. He kept it on all morning as looked for “uf” and told me all about it.

He even had it on as he lost his mind when he put his trucks in the washing machine in our closet while I got ready- and turned it on!!! So he can do that now. Cool.

Big shoes little boys

Friday, November 26, 2021

3 things I love

Kap’s curls
Watching “Frosty the Snowman” with the fam
Kap holding isla’s hand

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Fishing with Bumpa

Fish caught: 0
Fun had: all of it

Doesn’t the cloud sorta look like a Q?

Monday, November 15, 2021

Another 1/2 birthday in the books

Turning 5 is a big deal in our house. Isla was supposed to have a big bash to celebrate turning 5 in 2020 but we were still in the midst of a Covid-lockdown so we told her 5 1/2 would be her big birthday. Well, Covid was still very much a thing (and my precious Grandma Joyce passed away the day day before) so we just did a small thing with our besties. But it was still a thing which meant a big something to Isla. Then 6 came and she got her ears pierced in lieu of a party. There is this magical time 6 months after you get your ears pierced when you get to FINALLY change your earrings. As you can imagine, Isla, our extravagant accessorizer, has been counting down the days until this new-earring-every-day-thing became her reality. So 6.5 became a thing. Which was today which was insane for a 1/2 birthday.

First prize goes to my dad who made a 6 1/2 birthday card for her and gave her $6.5 and a present for her and her brothers because how would you explain this madness to anyone under the age of 40?

Any way- there were decorations, an after-breakfast dessert, her best friends, a cake with 6.5 candles, her favorite dinner another birthday cake, 4 earring-changes and a mess!

Happy birthday little lady. You make life fascinating, fun and colorful. I will celebrate you every chance I get! 😘 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

3rd kids get away with everything

This happened- IYKYK

Well- TBH, we’re not entirely sure if it actually did happen. I might have gone into crisis-mode a little pre-maturely but it felt like the right thing to do. This is one of those parties that I’d rather be early to.

Isla set the table

And made friendship bracelets as name cards for everyone. She is so fun!

My whole ❤️ in one shopping cart

And Kappy has his crop top on 😂 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Quote of the Q

I had a loooong conversation with Q and Isla about Covid vaccinations this morning. You know- all the important stuff like how they work, why it’s good for the community blah blah  blah. This is how it started…

Me: awesome news guys! You can get the Covid shot now!!! 🎉🎉

Q: Pfizer or Moderna?