Monday, January 24, 2022

Who Dunnit?

Someone wrote “Isla” in green permanent marker on the concrete. We took writing samples to try and figure out who it was but ultimately failed to identify the culprit. If nothing else, they get credit for not selling each other out.

Extra Credit

Q and Isla are working hard to earn a reward. They locked Pk and I upstairs while they cleaned the downstairs and made us art. They even set up spy equipment to alert them if we tried to sneak downstairs. 

Kap wanted to be with them so they set him up with a snack and a show. When we were finally allowed to came downstairs, we found this…

Apparently they put him to sleep 😴 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Snug… or smug?

Stay curious little one


The best part you ask?

Kap will get a very specific truck in his mind that he needs right away!! He gets very emotionally invested in that particular “teetee.” He is starting to talk a lot but doesn't always have the works to describe which one he wants- and don’t be fooled, this isn’t the only teetee repository in the house.