Saturday, March 19, 2022

Oatmeal Neck Pillow

Kappy makes a neck pillow out of Oatmeal now. Sometimes there are 4 Oatmeal’s involved.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Kap thinks this is really something

My handsome dates

Neither of them could stop eating long enough for me to get a pic - classic boys 

Gross or no?

Kap was so mad that his smoothie was making his hands so cold. He also couldn’t put it down. Thankfully (?) he likes to take his socks off as soon as he gets in the car and had left a pair there. He drank his smoothie like this the entire way home.

Q’s fan club

Not pictured: Granpa and Kap… they were there cheering them on though!!

…And one of them spilled hot chocolate everywhere- three times. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Ready to do computer things

Q is getting very interested in coding and gaming. We had to upgrade his tech so he could keep up. I love how smart, quick and curious he is.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Cozy Sundays at Grandpa’s are the best

There’s something special about being able to see all your kids happy and quiet at once. Grandpa’s a good add too ;)