Saturday, May 28, 2022

Tell me you’re from Encinitas without telling me you’re from Encinitas

We went on a family date night. After dinner and ice cream, we walked around for a bit. Q and Isla danced in front of all the restaurants with music and Kap said hi to every “ruff-ruff” at his level.

Towards the end of the adventure, we walked by a new store called “Gypsy Feather.” PK and I were reminiscing and turned around to find Q and Isla like this:

Q can’t stop practicing his pitch:

No front teeth needed for Baked Bear 

Friday, May 27, 2022


Endo for Q

These days are exhausting emotionally and physically but I do enjoy every solo minute with this rad kid. Rady’s also has a way of making me grateful that we are there for something we can treat. Hopefully it will be something we can cure one day.

Love, The T.F.

Another front tooth bites the dust…

Out of whack

This week has been a doozy on so many levels. This was
Poor Kap’s “nap” on Friday…

But on a brighter note, we snuck away for bagels (that he didn’t eat) in the middle of the morning.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022


Our gardwn is off and growing!! The kids love eating food (and random leaves) from it. Kap and Isla got strawberries this morning. They are definitely not as tasty as the ones we get from the farm stand but they think the ones from our garden are way cooler!!

Strong 2020 vibes

Sunday, May 22, 2022

A rough loss

Q’s team lost their first game this season 15-0. That’s the worst score you can get. They ended up winning a tons of games in the middle of the season after tons of practice! In the post season they made it all the way to the championship game. They played 5 games the week before, climbing  their way into second so we only had one pitcher who had any pitches left, the kids were and sick and they weren’t gelling like they had been. It was hard to watch.

Q never got on base but he did make a great out at 3rd. He was devastated. He did not take the loss well. Not one smile during the trophy ceremony, his coach couldn’t even get him to shake it. 

I took him out and bought hot him a new video game and let him pick out any cereal he wanted. That helped a bit. Birthday cake and his favorite lasagna-roll-ups with gramma helped too. Granpa came over and made him take a picture with his trophy- and a smile. He told him about how he dealt with losses when he used to play. That helped a little more. We started talking about next season- that also helped.

Slowly, he started shinning again. He’s looking forward to next season and is determined to practice this summer before fall ball. 

It’s so hard to see them so upset. I know it’s part of life and necessary and all that but damn sometimes I wish we could fast-forward through some of these times.

Here’s a pic of saddest boy to hold a trophy and his coach trying to help him make sense of everything.

And the best assistant coach- the one and only PK. PK didn’t play baseball growing up. He played a lot of sports so that helps but he had to find ways to teach something  new to him. We also had a lot of personalities on the team that he had to work though, including the coach having two kids on the team and JT who would throw tantrums almost every game and run off the field. PK figured out how to bear hug him, talk him down quickly and get him back out there. His mom was so thankful PK was there. I think all the kids were. 

Q has no interest in holding up his second place trophy and celebrating. 

Is it even baseball if your mom doesn’t have one of these things?

Granpa finally got him to hold his trophy up.

Birthday 3 ways

Gramma took full advantage of the kids having their birthdays close together. She made the coolest three-way cake! We sang happy birthday three times and they each got to blow out their own candles. Of course there were presents and lasagna rolls-ups! Thanks Gramma- I think this has to be a tradition!!

Friday, May 20, 2022

Someone got a responsibility award today

And also popped up on stage for a trustworthy award (that wasn’t for her ;)). I’d give her both of it was up to me  ;)

We will we will ROCKIES!!!

Guess who’s going to the Championship game!!

This is a huuuge deal!! They lost their number one draft pick  and lost their first game 15-1! They worked so hard, had the best spirit and the best attitudes.

Go Rockies!!!!

Nothing special

Just one of those nights you never want to forget 

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Atta Girl!

I was away for work this week and Isla missed another day of school because she wasn’t feeling good. She took it upon herself to make a list of all the things she had to do that day.


This girl is going places- watch out world!

Sign of a good book

Kap has read this book so many times that the cover finally popped off. The best part was how hilarious he thought this was.