Wednesday, October 26, 2022

The bigs boys got to golf

Q had a blast!!

Wedding Crashers

Q and the boys crashed the In-N-Out truck at a corporate event. This was right after they crushed every bit of three pizzas we bought.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Shopping girls

This might be the first time Isla has really truly enjoyed a real shopping trip. Thanks Solie Jo! Sorry credit card! 

The boys golfed, we shopped, Kappy slept. Fall break is the best!! 

Got Milk?

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Back in Action

The Snack-Time-Dream-Machine never fails!

Back to where it all started!

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Green and black stripes

Q (and Joey) tested for their green stripes today. They both earned both of them - I think they were the only two to earn both stripes. 8 weeks of kicking and Q gets to do his first belt test.

Keep it up little man- proud of you always!! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Caught takin her pic

Quote of the Kap

The scene: Kap snuck on my bed with his snack while I was getting ready to go out.

Me: Kap! What are you doing?! You’re not supposed to have snacks on the bed.

Kap: Why Mama? Me no make mess.

Me: you’re not touching the bed?

Kap: No Mama, I use my feet. See?