Sunday, December 18, 2022

Still at it

The Grinch

The author of Dr. Seuss lived in SD. The crazy trees in his books were inspired by our local crazy trees.. so… The Grinch is a big deal here. The Old Globe in Balboa does an amazing job of telling the story. The bigs had a blast- the little slept through most of it. Hoping this becomes a tradition.

Kap would not put his head in the hole for a pic - this is as close as we got. 

Of course, Isla had the perfect outfit.

Everyone is excited about sit-ups all of a sudden

Kids can be so random

Monday, December 5, 2022


Ready for Saint Nicholas

Nutcracker 2022

What an amazing weekend!! So many people got to see Isla shine. I am so proud of her.. she is such a professional and an absolutely lovely dancer.

Now put us to bed for a week please!!

We have an orange belt

Q absolutely crushed his belt test… and it was intense!! It was over an hour of technical testing, sparring where they got to actually hit the coaches and trying to get away from them. Q was exhausted!!

Coach Nave told him he did better than most of the people who are testing for their next belt up..

It has been so great to watch Q thrive at martial arts. I love watching his dedication and focus. He’s already gotten so much better at so much of what he’s leaned.

And the best part is that he absolutely loves it!!

Keep it up little buddy!!