Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Friday, January 27, 2023

Blast Off!!

Isla finally got to go to Blast Off!! Last year she had covid. We had so much fun and she and all the girls Did great!! 

So excited for comp season!!!

It was so cool to have so much family there to support her. Grandma and Grandpa on the same day!! How cool is that?!?

Love you all!!

Sunday, January 22, 2023


Look at this school tech+art museum we found downtown!!

They all had their fortunes read by and old school fortune teller. Kap did it 7 times :)

They had an AI exhibit where you describe your art and then 5 digital prints are created. This was one of Q’s “ninja fighting alien” pics.

They wrote “what they know for sure” and put it on the big wal.

They went in this house and pulled a string and we’re caught in the middle of a storm- seriously so cool!

And so much more!


I took the kids to the Midway today. Kap loved sending “Buzz Lightyear” missions.

So fun!!

Such a cuddle

He loves this little toy from Gwamma. Always gives it the sweetest cuddles and talks to it in the sweetest voice.

Dress rehearsal time!

Fueling up before getting glammed up

Friday, January 20, 2023


One of the last practices before the season starts! Get it girls!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Crepes with Pants

Quote of the Kap

The scene: at The Hilton in Cabo. We bought what we thought was chocolate over cream for Kap. It was coffee.

Kap: “What heck?!? This ice cream is freaking me out of this hotel.”

Sunday, January 8, 2023

My littlest love

He’s always asking for “my love.”

Early morning beach/park run with the middi

Happy Birthday to one of the best!

We were so sad to miss Grandpa’s birthday this year. We tried to make up for it with egg rolls, chocolate cake, lottery tickets, a singing candle and charades. The power outage was just an added element of fun- or something like that :)

We love you Grandpa!! Thank you for all you do for us!

Friday, January 6, 2023

Special time with Q

Thanks for joining us Bumpa. 36 holes and grandpa whipped us!!

And In-n-Out after of course.