Saturday, February 25, 2023

Big Day for the Big Marshall Kids

Q earned his boxing stripe for his orange belt and Isla had her second dance comp of the season. Her trio took home first (again!) and her group tap got second.

They both ended the day with sleepovers which broke my little mom heart. Kap was super excited for a “special night” with just mommy and daddy so that helped, but boy do I miss the bigs.

Proud of you guys always. Love you all with all my heart!!

Dance Comp Partner for the day

Thanks for coming Dad!!!

Friday, February 24, 2023

Capri Reads X2

I am so proud of Q and Isla. Not only are they amazing, sweet, funny kids who excel at so much but they also got gold medals for reading 1800 pages/minutes.

Way to go kiddos!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Hollywood Connection

Isla and her dance team went to their first convention in LA this weekend. It was three very busy days of dance, auditions and competition. To say I am in absolute awe of our tiny dancer is such an understatement. She worked so hard at something that was very new and overwhelming. She danced beautifully and most importantly was herself.

Her studio assistant told me that she was absolutely adorable during the audition and danced like she didn’t know she was auditioning (which she didn’t). She ended up taking home 1st place for all 4 of her dances and won a special award to be part of a music video at nationals. I couldn’t be more proud of her. I loved spending the weekend being her hype girl and watching her shine.

All Smiles for our Saphire Petites!!

This was after her audition- I wish they let us watch!!

Showing off

Her bag is bigger than she is

Teeny Isla on a huge stage in front of a huge crowd accepting her special award.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Day 1 of Hollywood Connection

This convention is a lot. A lot of friends, a lot dance, a lot of noise. Isla is taking it all in and making her mark. She was “noticed by an icon” and asked to perform a number she had just learned with 6 big girls. I got to see the tail end of it and couldn’t help watching her in awe with a heart full of pride and love. 

I love watching you shine Isla!!!

On to her competition dances today! 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Kap in the wild

I think he is finally starting to settle into school

Look at all those smiles