Friday, March 31, 2023

Kap’s art show

One of my favorite things about Aspirations is the art show. Kap doesn’t love school but he has been so excited for tonight. Here’s a preview…

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Keeping Corduroy Young

We were gone for a few days and there wasn’t an hour that Kap didn’t bring up Corduroy. He loves him so much. He had so much fun watching him figure out his doggy puzzle. So funny that these things are real.

Cousin Sleepover!! And a dance friend too!

Monday, March 20, 2023

Sick little one

Isla has the stomach flu and is miserable. Kap
Has a cough that sounds so terrible - these are the hardest days 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Go White Sox!

Q is absolutely crushing baseball this year. His pitching is on a whole new level, he hits every time he’s up and he’s fielding like a whole new kid. I’ll try and get more pics!

Also- he’s the most handsome baseball player I’ve ever seen!

And a little something from the archives 

Act 1 Comp

She danced her little heart out. They didn’t place this time but she didn’t care -she knows she tried her best and had fun. Watching all the lessons come with dance is both painful and magnificent.

On to the next one!

6:00 am call time- that was a doozy but she was a trooper 

She’s finally not the youngest- she loves taking care of the littles, even if some of them are taller than her.

Finally a sunny Saturday

And we did all the things!

School Gala

The best part is always the pictures 

Friday, March 10, 2023

Our little cheerleader

Isla told me that her cheer coach told her cheerleaders are school leaders. I confirmed that was the case and she got the biggest, most proud smile on her face.

Proud of you Boosch!

A quiet cuddle for my ninjas

These two are usually all fired up but this morning, I caught them being noting but cuddly.

Art Docent duties in Isla’s Class

I got to help Isla and her classmates make a yummy St. Patty’s day art project. It’s so fun watching her out in her wild. She really is a very cool and remarkable kid and I absolutely love being her mom.

Sweet moments on a bench swing

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Wednesdays with my Boosch

Isla and I spend Wednesday evening together. It entails me packing 1000 things, leaving at 1:45 to get her from school to dance and sitting in my car and working for two hours but it’s all worth it. After all that mayhem, we shop, eat and get her reading done. It’s the perfect thing to look forward to. And the best day of reading all week.