Sunday, April 30, 2023

Another dinner in the bleachers

Isla’s Crew

A trampoline park 30 minutes away is not my ideal Sunday afternoon, but watching isla with her squad was well worth it!! 

Special time

Kappy is very into “special time.” Which basically just means any amount of time with me alone. Sometimes when we’re walking ahead of everyone in a parking lot, he will say, “this is special time right mama? I love special time with you.”

Then there’s times when we get legit special time. Of course, he always gets to pick the agenda. This time he wanted smoothies and a new park that he’s never been to. 

Needless to say, we had a blast!! We had the park to ourselves and took full advantage. He really is such a fun and creative guy.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Random pics from the last regular season competition

These days are busy- it’s hard to do all the things and get pics. Here are the random few I did get.

Killing time and getting the butterflies out

 3 dads, 3 phones

Cheering on the Rubies

Heading home with a bestie and some hardware 

First comp for Kap- clearly he’s super into it 

Quote of the Kap

The scene: we are all walking into The Crack Shack for dinner before Q’s baseball game.

Isla: “Mommy, didn’t we come here for your birthday one time?”

Me: “we did! How did you remember that? That was when Kappy was in my tummy.”

Kap: “Ya, but I still had cake when I was in your tummy

Me: “ you did?”

Kap: “yes!!!! I crushed it!! I crushed it in your tummy!”

This one has been working so hard

Two tutors, so much dance and happily reading before bed. I love watching her grow and mature.

Saturday, April 8, 2023