Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Getting ready for pics and rehearsals

Isla will be on the stage 19 times this recital!!

And Q will be up there 6 times- we think :)

So proud of them and oh so excited!!

Saturday, May 27, 2023

1st day of Palm Springs

Not pictured- the huge water slides we can’t get Kap off of or the glow party with a DJ at the pool we went to after dinner- where Kap continued to crush the slides in the dark… more to come!

There’s a gas station about 30 minutes away from the hotel that this kids are obsessed with. Not sure why- buts it’s become a must on these trips.

Always moving!

Isla loves to get ready next to me when we’re in hotels. Here’s our selfie on our golf cart:

They always get to pick out a study from the lobby:

And we always force them to take a pic in front of this sign which is a challenge because there are cactuses everywhere!!

Back to School Night

We haven’t had one of these in a very long time- I think because of Covid. I wasn’t sure what to expect but it was amazing!! Q and Isla have been telling us about what they are working on in school but to see into their lives and watch them take pride in all they’ve done was truly magical.

Not so magical: Kap spent almost the entire time we were there telling us he’s never going to go to this school and he hates this school! He did love the kinder playground so hopefully that changes his mind in a year.

Isla had been telling me about this little statue for weeks. She was so worried it was coming out terribly. The day before Open House, she told me it was just awful and we talked about how sometimes you just mess up and even though she is an amazing artist (her art is very important to her), you’re still going to mess up sometimes. Blah blah blah- and then I saw this and was like, “what?!? That is amazing!! I take it back- you didn’t mess up!
Be proud of yourself girl!” Aye yi yi….

Q built this city with his classmates. Art isn’t super important to him- the Mall was his contribution. 

All smiles at the playground- this one is going to be trouble for Capri, I can already tell…

The dinosaur statue in the Kinder playground is something of a trophy for our littles. They are super intimidated at first- it is pretty scary from a, “there’s no was that thing should be here, people must get hurt all the time” perspective but it remains and eventually they conquer it and you know they’re proud!

Not ready to conquer it but wanted to take a pic with it. This live action scene was all his idea.

The cutest 4th grader around

Marshalls plus our honorary Marshall

Saturday, May 13, 2023… proud to be at EDC

Everyone but Kappy was dancing at EDC today. (Thankfully there aren’t pic of all of it). It was So fun, so hard and so not what I ever thought the dance world would be like.
I’m so thankful Isla found this little thing she loves and continues to share it with all of us.
Shine on Little One!!

Life lessons with Gwumpa

1st playoff game

And all things baseball- banners, baseball cards, yearbooks, pizza parties, friends… and a W!!!

Q got pulled in to pitch with the bases loaded. And
No surprise, he did what he does so well… took deep breaths, called the plays, held them and of course, did it with a ton of swagger.

I can’t get over how much fun it is to watch him!!

So many things happened today

Thank God it started with this…

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

The space obsession continues

A narrow win

Last night was crazy! Q had some great hits and helped his team rack up points to hold a small lead in the final inning. All they had to do was stop them from scoring 2 points. But it was so much more than that. It was not a proud moment for little league from my viewpoint. Coaches were calling each other names, the junior ump was struggling so much that board members had to come down to watch, moms were mad about where their kids were playing and Q’s teammates just weren’t feeling it- they were making errors, there were tears and yelling. The park was full of the teams playing next and the other teams who stayed to see what all the noise was about after their games ended. Even though he had some
Of his best hits, he also struck out and missed a fly ball early on… and he’s hard on himself.  All of that and then my little man on the mound all by himself with a huge crowd of people yelling.

They won 7-6, but sadly, I felt like the joy and pride they should have felt was swallowed up by the atmosphere. I guess that’s part of sports and there’s probably some good lesson in there somewhere. For now, I’m just going to be proud of how much control and calmness Q had in the moment. His love of baseball as grown so much this year, he understands the game so well and his passion and effort continue to climb.

Keep having fun little buddy! You amaze me constantly!!

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Ninja Isla

Isla and I did a two hour self defense class at Q’s martial arts studio today. I had to bribe her with ice cream to keep going… phew! Come at us bad guys, we’re ready for you!!!

Isla made it very clear throughout the entire hours that she prefers dance and I gotta say- I get it! Art over bad guys all day/every day!!

Another game…

Another 2 hours of keeping these two occupied so I can watch my Q.

It was close but they got the W

Q’s hitting has been unreal this season and he’s not afraid to take a risk. I know how badly he wants to hit and he knows he can have fun even if the pitcher is terrible but today it was a RWI that the team needed and he made it happen. Way to go to little man- proud of you always. 

This one is so ready for Summer

Kap calls this “walk-flying”

Kap said this is the best day of his life

Friday, May 5, 2023

Capri de Mayo

Every year Capri goes all out for Cinco de Mayo! The kids sing and dance and there’s so much good food. Yes nuts but also so special!