Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Boot camp

Last weekend, Q and Isla did an optional boot camp. It was a lot of dance and only a few awards. But they hung in and learned and danced and phew! Glad that’s over!

I so remember doing this as a kid

… and getting in trouble

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Quote of the Kap

The scene: nothing happening, this came out of absolutely nowhere.

Kap: “Does it matter?”  

Kap: “What is matter?”

Kap: “Do I matter?”

To be fair, we do say “does it matter?” often these days. As in the kids are fighting over who gets the blue bowl and one of us says, “does it really matter what color your bowl is?”

Activity pick-up!

Baseball -check
Dance -check
Martial Arts -check

Kap’s fave is dance pick up because they always give him a lolly pop!

Q in the wild!

Monday, September 11, 2023

Quote of the Kap

The scene: we’re all hanging out in the family room after dinner, getting ready to play cards with Grandpa.

Kap: “Daddy, I have a good idea’l

PK3: oh you do? what’s that?

Kap: for Halloween, we don’t have to walk all around and get candy. We can just go to the store and buy it. Good idea, right Daddy?”
      With a big thumbs up

New Swiftkick Studio!

Kap finally got to get a pumpkin

For weeks, Kap has been asking when he gets to buy pumpkins. His dream finally came true!! This kid is obsessed with Halloween!

He also insisted that the cinnamon broom was poking out above his head in the car. 

Kap got to be the weatherman at school.

He gets to look at the window to see the weather, then tell the class and draw it on the board.

Ms. Isla

Isla was asked to help out in the little class at dance. You might see this as free labor but Isla sees it as the biggest opportunity of her life. She is so excited and taking her role so seriously.

So seriously that she would o my barely give me one quick pic…

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Late night homework sesh

I’ll take it! Any time with this little dude is good in my books!


Kap wants to be Dadh for Halloween because, “he has the hair for it,” according to himself.

He keeps telling me I need gel for it to be right.

Daaaad!! I need money!

K Dude

Dance parking lot naps


The other day PK opened the hood of the International. Kap’s eyes got so big and he jumped right into PK’s arms to get a closer work.  He was so curious about what was going on and how it worked. I love this kid’s curiosity.


Kap and Bibi (her real name is Addison) spend almost every day at the park together - that was until school started. Now they never see each other and Kap has not stopped asking about her. Thankfully we have gotten to know her parents over the years. Her older sister used to play with Q and Isla. They came over for some swimming on Sunday and it was so cool to watch Kap and Bibi play together. They are truly besties!