Monday, October 30, 2023

Halloween Eve

Monday nights these days

Throwing a ball for Corduroy
Planning details for Halloween- tomorrow
Talking about our days
Negotiating dessert
Picking up dropped forks
Making a “hotel” for Kap- a different one every night for the past 6 months

It’s not the quiet, slow, dinners-around-the-table that I imagined but it’s good… really good.

Quote of the Kap

The scene: Monday after Fall break where we had a ton of time together as a family… After work, a 3 hour doctor appointment for Q, school, martial arts, dance, baseball, book club, homework, dinner etc- Kap finally got a few
minutes to play with his big bro. They almost immediately started wrestling- as brothers do. At some point, Q takes it
too far- as big brothers do. Kap cries that his head hurts, so Q puts up some fingers:

Q: “Kappy! How many fingers am I holding up?!”

Kap: “5 and a thumbs up” 

Kap Attack

Kap put in some really hard work at martial arts today. They got super technical on round kicks. It was hard for him but he didn’t give up and improved a ton thanks to his perseverance.


Isla has had so many opportunities to dress up for Halloween these past few weeks. I think she finally popped. She refuses to wear her actual costume for the year which I totally appreciate - this is where we ended up today…

Fall Break Photo Dump

Trunk or Treat @ EDC

Monday, October 16, 2023

Quote of the Isla

The scene: Mom, Kap and Isla at a very casual pizza place in between baseball games. The phone rings- as it does in the original “delivery” type of restaurant.

Isla: “I really don’t like it when you can hear the phone ring at restaurants.” 

Kid pic sneak peek

Baseball sibs

Ready to watch big bro

Ice cream post 3 games before the last for this stud 

POV: the solar eclipse happening during ballet class

Q these days

Travel ball clothes while he finishes his Spanish reading facing backward on one tiny space on the couch because his little bro made a hotel out of the rest of the couch, with scabs on his knuckles from martial arts. 

Love this kid. 

Monday, October 9, 2023

Quote of the Kap

This is the third time he’s asked me this question.

The scene: Kap and I are laying in his bed, just chatting

Kap: mommy, can I ask you a question?

Me: of course

Kap: if a lion ate all the world and even space, would he be in his own tummy?

Me: PK!! Help! 

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Dancer of the week!

Isla was the inaugural Dnacer of the week for Petite team.

They recognized her for her hair always being perfect, always have the right outfits, smiling, being kind and working hard!

Miss Alli also said that her solo made her cry :)

Sunday, October 1, 2023