Saturday, November 25, 2023

We got a tree!

Making sure IcePoop has a perfect viewing spot for when the tree gets here

Can’t stop measuring trees for a pic

Always posing

Thanksgiving 2023

We love celebrating the holidays with our family and friends that feel like family!!


I surprised Q with a quick trip to SFO to see his fave big cousins, Lindsey and Jon and an extra bonus- Mimi and bubba!!! 

So far, we have done all the things!! 


Photo shoot at the marina



Arcade and boba 

Baseball card shop

And of course- a cousin piggy back 

Mountain friends

Even though they live close now, we don’t see them nearly as often as we’d like to however, you would never guess it by how quickly this crew of kids connect and have a blast together.

Just some light reading

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Costume sneak peek

Isla got her trio and solo costumes! She is so stinkin’ cute- I can’t wait to see these numbers in action!!

Monday, November 13, 2023

Q being Q!

Happy Birthday Ev

We love you!

A new take at the martial arts stance

Kap has been super weird about MA this last week. He sat on my lap the entire time on Monday, refused to go on Wednesday and participated with Oatmeal in his mouth today… not sure what’s going on but trying to follow his lead and be supportive. 

Saturday switch

Baseball to dance just like that!

So fun running into besties

Isla and Viv got $25 to spend at Ulta. You would have thought they won the lottery. Everyone who had the pleasure of watching them do math and shop thought they were absolutely adorable! They’re not wrong 

Next up in the “take a picture of me” series

Friday, November 10, 2023

Waiting for Boozy

Our elf Boozy, usually comes on Thanksgiving. Kap and Isla just couldn’t wait so they found our North Pole mailbox and sent him a note, asking him to come early because they miss him. Thank God he wrote back and said he’s too busy to come any sooner than Thanksgiving (Mama can’t handle an extra three weeks of that ish)! He also sent Elf pets to keep them company until he shows up so we all win!


Monday, November 6, 2023

Nutcracker hair -check!

And lunch with some party scene girls

Baseball nights

Love watching him play

He got walked 4 times- stole bases like the ninja he is, put up 4 runs for his team and had a couple of great plays at 2nd.

The only pics I got of my teeny number 2 :)

Ninja school but not

This little one refused to participate in martial arts today. He just wanted to sit on my lap and watch… so that’s what we did.