Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas 2023

There’s so much Christmas fun to catch up on! It’s going to take a few posts for sure! Here’s the first one- Bubba and Mimi’ first night in town. We were so lucky to have them in town for Christmas this year!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Grinch at the Old Globe

This is always a favorite of mine- even more fun to see it with our dance friends and have a dance friend in the show!! 

Kap was a little scared and needed some candy canes to keep busy but overall, he did great!!

Isla insisted on Grinch hair. Dance has definitely taught me a few things about hair :)

 The cutest little Max I ever did see 

Kap owning it


Great job Kyle!!

Petite team ready to sleigh!!

Mom shot

Working on his letters


We finally got to do Lightscape at the Botanical Gardens. This was so cool and super unique. The kids loved most of it - I think! It was a good amount of walking but very worth it. 

Thanks going back with me after to save Oatmeal from the parking lot Dad!!

5th grade field trip

I was lucky enough to accompany these cute 5th graders to the planetarium. They sure are a great group of kiddos!!

Monday, December 11, 2023

Sick but make it cute

Poo Kap has been so sick. Just when we think it’s over, it comes roaring back. Poor Buddy…

Upstairs trees

We’ve never had Christmas trees upstairs before. Isla decided she wanted one so she cleaned her room,
Moved her furniture around and wouldn’t let it go so here we are- we have Christmas tree(s) upstairs now. Yes- that’s plural… Kap had to have one too of course.

All the big ornaments are hand-made by Isla herself.

Q and Isla’s workshop

Q and isla spent hours making ornaments and gifts and notes for their 15 dance teachers. They worked so hard personalizing everything and we’re so proud! Also- our house will never be the same.

Isla arranged a little family secret Santa

I love watching her come up with ideas and executing them. Such a little leader!!

FaceTime with Uncle Poo- literally

Monday, December 4, 2023

Nutcracker 2023

What a weekend!! It was so cool to have two kiddos in the show. It was even more cool to see it all come together backstage. The best part though….? How many teachers stopped me backstage to tell me how much they adored Q and Isla because of how kind, hard-working and silly they are. One even told me that the teachers always ask how one family could have two perfect kids!! I told her that there was a third one that broke the mold - kidding of course!! 

Anyway- it was awesome! Exhausting but so great. The other best part was seeing how many people made the drive to support them. More pics to come from the photog- but until then- here’s a few!!

Isla helping with the teenies- she has so much pride in being asked to help out. I love that they think of these little ways to grow our kiddos.